A gigantic asteroid will pass between Earth and Moon this weekend


A few days ago, astronomy enthusiasts around the world enjoyed the passage of the 2016 NF23 asteroid at 2.9 million kilometers from Earth, or 13 times the distance between our planet and the Moon . While this phenomenon was worthy of admiration, this weekend will be the scene of another event, even more fantastic, with the passage of the asteroid 2018 RC.

It should be noted that its closest point to the Earth will be approximately 136,000 miles and it will approach the night of Saturday 8, its closest proximity on Sunday 9 at 8:08. Planet and the Moon, there is no reason to fear, because according to experts, she will travel without risk of collision.

"We will have a flyby very close to our planet, reaching 136,000 miles, but it will be a totally safe encounter. It will be visible even with small telescopes, "Gianluca Masi, director of the Virtual Telescope based in Italy, told Express UK.

It was September 3rd when the ATLAS telescope impact alert system from the University of Hawaii saw the asteroid for the first time, calculating its size until it reached its peak. at 233 feet in diameter.

To give you an idea of ​​its dimensions, it's the same height as the 17-storey Kajima building in Los Angeles.

This phenomenon can be appreciated through telescopes, and if you do not want to miss it and you do not have one, the Virtual Telescope Project will broadcast live.

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