Election in Sweden: Swedes go to the polls during a heated vote focused on migration


Immigration has become a recurring issue in Swedish politics since the massive migration of refugees to Europe in 2015, at the height of the war in Syria.

Once a country that hosted a large number of refugees, anti-migration sentiments began to emerge in the public discourse in 2015, when Sweden hosted more than 160,000 asylum seekers.

The Swedish government, led by the center-left Social Democrats who form a coalition with the Green Party, has since hardened its policies towards asylum seekers and closed its southern border with Denmark to stem the flow of migration.

Sweden has seen a succession of recent coalition and minority governments, but, as in many European elections, the vote has been further split, which has increased the chances of a suspended parliament.

"I think we are facing an extremely complicated process to form a government, perhaps the most complicated of modern times," Niklas Bohlin, a political scientist at Mid Sweden University, told Reuters.

Posters of Social Democratic candidates and Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Loefven in Stockholm.

The Social Democrats have tried to appease the anti-migrant sentiment in the country by urging more integration programs and resources for refugees in marginalized communities and to help them access the country. education.

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The center-right moderators have pledged to give more money to the police and are pushing for Swedish migration policy to comply with the laws of other EU countries, such as Denmark and Denmark. 39; Germany. This would mean that migrants can only stay if they can prove that they can support themselves, which enables them to obtain a permanent residence permit.

They are also looking for ways to more quickly integrate migrants into the workforce, for example by promoting "simple jobs", a reference to work that can be obtained with basic education.

Some 7.5 million Swedes are eligible to vote on Sunday. Voting ends at 8 pm local time (2 pm ET), after which a state exit poll will predict the results and a real count of votes will begin.

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