Young bloods can counter age-related diseases


Scientists say that blood taken from a young person could counteract age-related diseases and help maintain a sustainable health in the elderly.

The allegations were made in a study published in the journal Nature, which added that young blood can also improve the health of animals at the end of life.

Dame Linda Partridge, a geneticist at University College London (UCL), said blood from young people can also reduce the risk of age-related problems and help prevent diseases such as cancer and heart problems in children. the elderly.

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"I would say that aging is the emperor of all diseases," said Partridge The temperature. "Many people consider aging to be" natural "and therefore, you should not interfere with nature. But we have always considered it an ethical imperative to cure the disease where we find it.

The tests were performed on mice. Older mice, which were injected with blood in young species, showed resistance to age-related diseases and were more energetic, whereas young people who received an injection of aged blood showed opposite signs. .

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