Angela Merkel urges Macedonians to vote in referendum on name


German Chancellor Angela Merkel (L) shakes hands with Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev (R) after a joint press conference in Skopje. Photo: EPA-EFE / GEORGI LICOVSKI

Merkel urged Macedonian citizens to seize the opportunity of a breakthrough in the Euro-Atlantic perspective of the country and to take part in the forthcoming September 30 referendum on the "name" agreement with Greece.

"Do not stay home on September 30, on this historic day," Merkel said at a joint press conference with Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev.

"Take a chance and clearly indicate the kind of future you want to have," Markel said.

If the vote in favor of the agreement with Greece changes the name of Macedonia, it would eliminate the biggest obstacle on the Euro-Atlantic path of the country.

Merkel's arrival on September 8 had additional symbolism.

It came at the celebration of Independence Day in Macedonia, where 27 years ago, citizens voted in another referendum to make the country independent of the former federal Yugoslavia.

As part of the name agreement signed with Greece this summer, Macedonia has agreed to change its name to the Republic of Northern Macedonia, while Greece has agreed to lift its long-standing veto over the integration of Greece. NATO and Macedonia.

But for the agreement to end the conflict between the two countries to be fully implemented, the Macedonians must show that they support it in a referendum to be held on 30 September.

"This was a dispute between your country and Greece and a solution had to be found. Thus, the question of the name and the question of the members are interconnected, "Merkel explained.

During her stay, Merkel did not meet the President of Macedonia, Gjorge Ivanov, a fierce opponent of the "name" agreement.

However, she met the leader of the right opposition party VMRO DPMNE, Hristijan Mickovski, who is also opposed to the agreement.

Until now, this party has not made it clear whether it would call its supporters to participate in or boycott the referendum, which could prove crucial to achieving the required turnout of more than 50% of voters.

The deepening of economic cooperation is the second issue under consideration.

At today's press conference, Merkel confirmed that Germany is sending an economic adviser to the Macedonian government as part of its efforts to strengthen the local economy and its links with Berlin.

Germany is by far the largest economic partner of Macedonia. 47% of Macedonian exports go to Germany. Economic exchanges with Germany amount to 3.6 billion euros with a growing trend.

While in Macedonia, Merkel was accompanied by German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas and Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen.

Read more:

Stoltenberg: The name agreement is the only way to NATO

Nimetz: "Another name agreement could take 25 years"

West to the diplomatic campaign to strengthen the referendum in Macedonia

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