Police have no evidence against LeSean McCoy of Buffalo Bills


Police in Milton, Georgia, have been investigating an armed robbery and aggravated assault for the past two months but have yet to find anything to incriminate Buffalo's counterfeiters, LeSan McCoy, sources said. at ESPN.

The NFL's investigation into the incident, which took place in a McCoy-owned home, is still subject to "active scrutiny," according to a source who added that "It can not be actionable right now."

The Bills stayed behind McCoy and still believe in their running back; they even elected McCoy as one of their captains last week for his first time in his career with Buffalo.

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If the Bills coaches and officials were alarmed by the outcome of the investigation – and they were in contact with people involved in the case – they would not have allowed McCoy to run as a captain. The feeling is that McCoy will be able to play the 2018 season unless something unforeseen happens with the case.

McCoy spoke publicly last week for the first time since being chased by his ex-girlfriend last month in connection with a home invasion on July 10 during which she was beaten and stolen.

"I'm going to take care of that," McCoy said Wednesday. "But for the moment, the only thing I can worry about is the Baltimore Ravens and keep everything the same with that, I'm focusing on this big week for me, week 1."

McCoy and his friend Tamarcus Porter, a former teammate of the University of Pittsburgh, were prosecuted on August 10 in a county court in Fulton, Georgia, by McCoy's ex-girlfriend, Delicia Cordon. , and his friend Elizabeth Donald.

In July, a woman identified as a friend of Cordon posted Instagram photos of Cordon's injuries and alleged that McCoy had beaten his son and dog and used performance-enhancing drugs. In a statement at the time, McCoy denied the allegations.

Cordon's trial says the assailant in the home invasion "said [to Cordon] that he knew McCoy. "After the attack, she told a 911 dispatcher that she suspected McCoy" of having it set up "because he had previously asked her to return the jewelry to her. had been stolen from him during the invasion.

The lawsuit does not directly accuse McCoy or Porter of leading or ordering the attack on Cordon, but she argues that McCoy had "a real and constructive knowledge of the existing criminal activity on the property on July 10 2018 "because Porter already had a live stream of security cameras in the house.

Mike Rodak of ESPN contributed to this report.

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