Approaching the mysterious planet, we changed the color of the sky in the United States (VIDEO)


Приближение тайной планеты изменило цвет неба в США (ВИДЕО)

The inhabitants of Arizona could observe the sky painted in unusual tones. Most of the state is covered with deserts and cliffs, against which there are often unique phenomena.

About this writes the portal Vladtime.

Residents of Arizona often witness extraterrestrial spaceships, clearly visible in open spaces. But this time, the witnesses had to face Nibiru's approach to the Earth, which proves a radical change in the color of the sky. Some of the first shots in different parts of the world, showing a mysterious planet in the sky, also have a similar hue.

An eyewitness who has observed the phenomenon of shared online video, which captures the effect of the killer of the planet. In the video, you hear strong gusts of wind playing with the clouds, pulling them together, then scattering. But on their past, has been able to capture the influence of Nibiru's approach. Suddenly, watching the blue sky turn into a few seconds in orange.

The color of the sky has quickly returned to normal, but witnesses are sure that the changes are first related to the approaching planet X. Some changes in the sky have become one of the signals future changes in human life. Ufologists are unable to say exactly what went into the lens of the camera.

Earlier, the sky on fire over Indonesia scares people.

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