Here's what a rocket launch looks like from the space



Launch of Jiuquan Satellite's OneSpace OX-S1 "Chongqing Liangjiang Star" Suborbital RocketOneSpace via YouTube screengrab

Rockets are among the most powerful and dramatic vehicles built by humans. There are few places as majestic today as seeing a rocket take off and reach its orbit successfully. Thousands of people come to watch launches around the world and the video and photographs of any launch are a sight to behold.

This weekend, China launched a suborbital rocket and, in addition to the view from the ground, the Chinese space agency also captured the view from the space. A nearby remote sensing satellite was able to make a video of the entire event from space. The launch took place at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in the Gobi Desert, reports GBTimes, a Chinese media outlet.

Called Jilin-1, the satellite would orbit about 535 kilometers above the Earth, directly above the solid rocket OS-X1 that took off from Jiuquan on Friday. The satellite's video cameras were able to perfectly capture the launch. The rocket sustained a 200-second flight in all, the report notes. During this period, he climbed 35 km in the air.

The images were posted on Chinese social media and reached Twitter, shared by user Dafeng Cao, GBT rating. OS-X1 was the second launch of China's privately owned aerospace company OneSpace, which is currently working on solid fuel rockets, both for in-orbit capacity and for suborbital capacity to provide launch.

Jilin-1, the satellite that captured the event on video, would be one of seven satellites currently in orbit. They were developed by Chang Guang Satellite (CGST), which was born from the Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics (CIOMP). The company is based in Jilin, in northeastern China, hence its name.

CGST is a company like OneSpace, a decision made in 2014 by the government that opened the space industry to private actors. OneSpace is planning an orbital launch for the first time by the end of this year, called OS-M.

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