Trump's tweet about the economy was false


The top official on the White House of the United States Economic Council of the United States says that it is not the case for the first time in the world.

"Kevin Hassett, chairman of the council, told reporters during a press briefing. "What is true is the highest in 10 years."

Kevin Hassett at a news briefing at the White House on Monday. (Photo: Kevin Lamarque / Reuters)

Earlier Monday, Trump fired off a series of tweets boasting about the state of the economy.

<p class = "canvas-atom-canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "" The GDP Rate (4.2%) is higher than the Unemployment Rate (3.9%) for the first time in over 100 years! " the president tweeted. "data-reactid =" 29 ">" The GDP Rate (4.2%) is higher than the Unemployment Rate (3.9%) for the first time in over 100 years! " the president tweeted.

The claim was quickly debunked.

"Trump is completely wrong about how rare this is," the Washington Post's Philip Bump wrote. "Out of the 282 full quarters since 1948, the rate of change in the GDP has topped the unemployment rate 64 times, or more than a quarter of the time. So 64 times in the past 70 years. Not quite the same as ounce in a century. "

Hassett, who appeared on Monday's briefing to the public, was a direct result of the president's policies, said he did not know the source of Trump's bunk economic data and "could not engage" in speculation about where he got it . Then he did just that.

"At some point, somebody is sending you to zero [10] and should not have done that, "Hassett said.

He added that the "numbers geeks" at the White House are grateful when the press goes out because "we want to correct them."

Trump's erroneous tweet, however, has yet to be removed and the president has not issued a correction.

The president's other tweets about the economy, while assertive in tone, were essentially his opinions.

<p class = "canvas-atom-canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "" If the Democrats had won the Election in 2016 , GDP, which was about 1% and going down, would have been minus 4% instead of up 4.2%, " he tweeted. "I opened up our beautiful economic engine with Regulation and Tax Cuts. Our system was choking and would have been made worse. Still plenty to do! "" Data-reactid = "39"> "If the Democrats had won the Election in 2016, GDP, which was about 1% and going down, would have been minus 4% instead of up 4.2%," he tweeted. "I opened up our beautiful economic engine with Regulation and Tax Cuts. Our system was choking and would have been made worse. Still plenty to do! "

<p class = "canvas-atom-canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Trump added: "The Economy is soooo good, perhaps the best in our country's history (remember, it's the stupid economy!), That the Democrats are flailing & lying like CRAZY! Phony books, articles and T.V. 'hits' like no other pol has had to endure and they are losing big. Very dishonest people! "" Data-reactid = "40"> Trump added: "The Economy is soooo good, perhaps the best in our country's history (remember, it's the stupid economy!), That the Democrats are flailing & lying like CRAZY! Phony books, articles and T.V. 'hits' like no other pol has had to endure and they are losing big. Very dishonest people! "

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