'Better Call Saul' Recap: Season 4, Episode 6 – "Pinata"


Jimmy slid further into Saul Goodman's territory this week You better call Saul, and reached a serious fork in his relationship with Kim.

Best Call Saul Season 4 Episode 6 Kim Jimmy FlashbackFirst, we have a look back at Jimmy's days in the HHM mailroom, running a cart and collecting ballots for the office's Oscar pool. Kim also holds a cart, and while Jimmy talks to her colleagues, she studies the firm's case. ("You're hurting others," he says.) The office burst into applause for Chuck (alive! And with more hair!), Who has just won a big deal by discovering obscure jurisprudence. Kim congratulates and impresses him by demonstrating a deep knowledge of his case. But Chuck finds a way to belittle Jimmy before leaving for a party whiskey in Howard's office. So a newly motivated Jimmy slips into the law library, determined to prove that his brother is wrong.

Back in SaulThe current timeline, Kim is late in preparing her arguments for Mesa Verde … and looking at her stack of criminal defense clients. She also discovers that Jimmy has scribbled together the names and logos of their new law firm, like an alluring schoolgirl. After Jimmy confesses that he has decided not to go to therapy ("it's not for me"), Kim goes to an impromptu meeting with Rich at Schweikart and Cokely, the company she flirted with. and when he answers that he would not exactly say they have one, she asks, "Would you like one?" Then, while having a drink with Jimmy, she told him that Rich had offered him a job. She would be a partner and could assign her work to Mesa Verde to partners so that she has time to deal with all these criminal cases. But does that mean the end of Wexler McGill?

Best Call Saul Season 4 Episode 6 HowardJimmy gives a brave face ("I can not ask you to wait for me"), but Kim's decision makes him want to do some. He picks up the big five that Chuck left him from a shot Howard – advising him to "clean up" while he's there – and spend it on a bunch of those phones, setting up a shop at the back of this manicure salon. again. (The owner does not like it: "Get-rich-quick systems never work." But Jimmy responds: "Look at me.") He also picks up a call from an unidentified partner, agreeing to meet at "Piñata". …

Wearing a spiffy red tracksuit, Jimmy finds the three punks who snatched him last week and offers them a hundred dollars a night if they want to let him sell his phones in peace. But they simply prefer to take all his money, and get out a knife, demanding what he has on him. They chase him until he's stuck in an alley, but Jimmy tells them, "You should have taken the case." Just then, a pair of hoodlums threw up behind the punks, hanging them at their feet in a piñata warehouse. . While thugs lashed out piñatas with baseball bats, the punks promised to leave Jimmy alone … and one of the thugs swung his bat a few inches from the face of the main punk. Jimmy coldly informs them, "You receive a warning … and that was all."

Best Call Saul Season 4 Episode 6 Mike GusBUSINESS HOUSING | The work of Mike, who oversees the construction of the Superlab, continues as he sets up the German architect Werner Ziegler and his crew with prehab housing in a large warehouse. He also provides them with a gym, a bar with beer taps, an entertainment center and a basketball hoop to make sure they do not "climb the walls", as he warns. Ziegler and his crew are impressed when they arrive … but a crew member named Kai seems to be a problem, pouring himself a beer while ignoring Mike's orders. (When he asks Mike, "When are the girls coming here?" Mike gives him a bland look) Mike later asks a security guard to watch Kai … and we will not bet on him to survive the season, you want?

Side bars:

* Giancarlo Esposito has been used sparingly this season, but he fell into a juicy soliloquy this week while Gus was talking to Hector in his hospital. He remembered growing up poor and hungry and patiently looking after a fruit tree, but his fruit had been picked up by a wild animal. The young Gus trapped the animal and caught it by breaking his leg: "The merciful thing would have been to kill him. I kept him He lived for a while. And so, he will keep a broken Hector alive, waiting for the right moment to deliver justice as he hears it.

* Jimmy also received a call from Mrs. Strauss' nephew, Jimmy's client who collected the Hummel from his senior law time. She passed away and the nephew asked for help for the will, but Jimmy said he was not practicing anymore and sent him back to HHM. But that inspired Jimmy to dig a VHS videotape of the advertising that he toured with the old lady. Will he try to get his hands on his precious Hummels?

* Yes, Saul's former boyfriend, Huell, was one of the hooded thugs who scared these punks. (We have already seen the breaking Bad favorite of fans of season 3 of Chicanery. But as cool as seeing him, maybe he and his colleague should not have removed their masks while the punks could still identify them?

A nice reminder when Jimmy praised Kim as "Giselle" at the hotel bar, a reference to their scam days as "Viktor" and "Giselle". Kim said she just preferred to be Kim and Jimmy. Is this another sign that she is moving away from Jimmy?

* The names mentioned in the HHM Oscars pool – Howards End, Al Pacino – put this flashback around March 1993. (The Oscars were presented on March 29 this year).

* It's been two weeks now without Nacho's sign, and I'm officially worried. He's not dead from his wounds on the screen, is not it?

You have ideas on tonight You better call Saul? Post them in a comment below.

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