Fan Bingbing: The X-Men actress disappeared under control, according to a Chinese state media


Chinese state media reported that one of its most successful actresses, Fan Bingbing, was "under control", after disappearing from the public eye without explanation in July.

Fan, who played Blink in the 2014 movie "X-Men: Days of Future Past", has not been seen in public since July 1st and has not been published on social media since June 2nd.

Many have speculated that she was detained by the Chinese government as a result of allegations of tax evasion.

She played Blink in the 2014 movie "X-Men: Days of Future Past".
Fox / XMen 20th Century Trailer

His disappearance took place after Cui Yongyuan, a former television host of the China Central public television channel, suggested that the actress had signed secret deals with a Chinese entertainment company to avoid paying taxes.

Last week, the US State Securities Daily reported that Fan was "under control, and will accept the legal decision," reported several media, including Taiwan News.

The report added that the actress had been jailed and that a so – called scandal related to the signing of several contracts to avoid paying higher taxes was only the "tip of the bill". iceberg".

The article was mysteriously taken a few hours after its publication.

Other sources have speculated about Fan's fate for months and rumors have circulated that she was under house arrest, according to the Epoch Times.

Her boyfriend, actor Li Chen, also reportedly has not been heard publicly since early July.

Fan, right, with actresses Penelope Cruz, Marion Cotillard, Jessica Chastain and Lupita Nyong at the Cannes Film Festival in May 2018.
Nicholas Hunt / Getty Images for The Hollywood Reporter

China seems to be censoring all the news about it

In late July, China's independent newspaper The Economic Observer reported that police in Jiangsu Province were reviewing Fan's financial file and several Fan staff were also under police investigation. He also reported that Fan and his brother, Fan Chengcheng, had been prevented from leaving the country.

But shortly after publication, this report was taken offline.

Free Weibo, a website that follows social media censorship in China, also censored the posts on Fan's fate earlier this year in social media.

The BBC at the time reported seeing fans' comments expressing their support and concern, but these messages also seemed to have been removed.

Fan of the Cannes Festival 2017
Andreas Rentz / Getty

The 36-year-old is the best-paid actress in China since 2013, according to Forbes. She would have earned tens of millions of dollars for her acting roles, as well as several high-end approval and appearance fees.

In June, Fan's studio denied allegations that Fan had signed several contracts to evade taxes, saying: "The studio and Fan Bingbing will cooperate fully with the relevant authority." We hope the survey result will be forthcoming soon.

A recent report by academics from Beijing Normal University ranked Fan lowest in a "social responsibility assessment" of Chinese film and television stars.

The report rated celebrities according to three criteria – professional work, charity work and integrity – based on media reports over the past year. Fan scored 0 out of 100, according to the report.

Rumors are circulating online that Fan's low score may be due to allegations of criminal activity against him.

Alexandra Ma contributed to this report.

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