Are you in the middle class? This calculator will tell you


If a family of two earned $ 100,000 in New York, it would be considered a middle class, with 48% of adults in the same area, but if that same couple lived in Cincinnati or northern Kentucky they would consider the upper class, according to a new calculator published by Pew Research Center.

The non-profit research center released the calculator earlier this week to help Americans determine where they fall by using location, pre-tax household income, and the number of people in a household to determine their "level of returned".

Rakesh Kochhar, senior researcher at Pew Research Center, told FOX Business that the calculator was based on government data as recent as 2016 to determine the results, while new figures for 2017 are expected to be released later this week.

Pew's calculator was also released the same day he released a 2016 analysis that shows that middle class households are falling and social class incomes have stagnated since 2000.

"We found that from the 1970s, the middle class shrank every decade, with a little bit of income scales and a small number of them going down. However, overall, there have been more moves than declines, but every decade since then, the share of the middle class has declined, "said Kochhar.

But so far, he said that from 2010 to 2016, the middle class has stabilized as a whole with about half (52%) of Americans in this category.

To find out where you are, you can find the Pew Calculator here.

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