Minnesota health officials seek woman who dropped off rabid bats


Minnesota health officials are looking for someone who may have come into contact with two rabid wards who were dropped off last week at the University of Minnesota Veterinary Medical Center.

An unidentified woman dropped off the dead to be tested for rabies at the St. Paul Clinic and left before contact information. They were born alive when they were alive, when they could have transmitted the disease.

Health officials would like to know that it is possible to have a diagnosis of rabies prevention. Personal information will be kept confidential.

Rabies is a fatal illness that is transmitted through the bites of infected animals. Because the teeth are tiny, a person might not have a bite or a noticeable mark.

Health officials advise a person who is well on his / her way to a child or family. Never touch beat with bare hands. Information, including a video, can be found on Minnesota Department of Health website http://bit.ly/2Mp8Kfc.

"If someone has been bitten or beaten, it is very important to test the bat for rabies," said Dr. Joni Scheftel, State Public Health Veterinarian. "If this is not possible, then rabies prevention shots should be given as soon as possible."

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