Charlie Puth becomes emotional during the mourning of Mac Miller


Following Mac Miller's tragic death on Friday, Sept. 7, due to an overdose, his friends and family flooded social media with mourning and kind words about the rapper. Charlie Puth recently spoke with E! about the news, and was moved remembering his friend.

"I knew him for about six months, but we became very close, we became very good friends and I always thought I would be the one who would help him clean himself up and drive him on the Way of a good, clean, sober life, "he said, noting that they both worked with coach Harley Pasternak.

He also recalled the moment when he discovered Miller's death. "Whenever someone around me dies, I always phone his phone and, I do not know why I do it often, I just write:" I love you man "and I knew he was not going to answer. but I just felt that I had to do it anyway.

Friday, Puth taken on Twitter to share a similar message, saying: "It's not real, I'm waiting for you to call me and tell me it was just a joke. I sent a message to your phone before I knew … "

Look at the full interview below.

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