WWE SmackDown Results – Brie Vs. Maryse's Main Event, New No. 1 Opponents, Randy Orton Strikes, More


Welcome to our WrestlingINC.com Live WWE SmackDown Part of viewing. Tonight's show comes from the Cajundome in Lafayette, Louisiana.

– Tonight's WWE SmackDown opens live from Cajundome in Lafayette, Louisiana. Greg Hamilton is in the ring and he asks the crowd to come forward for a salute of 11 bells to remember the victims of September 11th. Fans start singing the United States after salvation.

WWE American Champion Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Jeff Hardy

We're going straight to the ring for tonight's opening match, while Jeff Hardy is making his way. Tom Phillips welcomes us and is joined by Corey Graves and Byron Saxton. Hardy heads to the ring as advertisers connect tonight's matches.

Hardy talks about demons always ready to help us and how he overcame his own demons in his life. Hardy says the only way to deal with the demons is to hit them head-on, and at Hell In a Cell on Sunday, he'll still be dealing with his most venomous demon. Hardy says that Randy Orton might think he will inflict heavy pain on Hardy in Cell on Sunday and that although Orton may think he is a demon, Hardy is a daredevil and not afraid. Fans sing "delete!" now. Hardy has prepared his life for this and he will unleash a life of pain and torment on Orton, until it is obsolete. Hardy says he's going to take care of another demon from his past tonight, Shinsuke Nakamura. Boo fans. Hardy tells the fans to enjoy the show. The music arrives and then comes the US WWE Champion for this untitled game.

The bell rings and Nakamura goes down to play with Hardy. Boo fans. Nakamura comes back but Hardy hits a jawbreaker. Hardy expels Nakamura from the ring and lands outside, sending him into the fence a few times. Hardy runs and jumps steel steps, piercing Nakamura against the fence. We go to the commercial.

Back from the break, Hardy returns him in the ring beating Nakamura up to the mat. Hardy takes Nakamura from corner to corner, slamming his head in the ropes. Nakamura blocks a shot and takes control. Nakamura keeps Hardy on the ground now that the referee controls him. Hardy goes down and Nakamura pushes him several knees. Nakamura with kicks while Hardy is on his knees. Hardy catches a kick and rides an attack now.

Nakamura counterattacks and delivers a knee to the intestine. Nakamura with a big shot to send Hardy to the corner. Nakamura charges but Hardy jumps and hits a Slingblade. Hardy goes for a suplex but Nakamura kneels him in the head and avoids him. Hardy topples Nakamura while charging in the corner. Hardy nails a whisper in the wind but does not get to catch the spit as he squeezes his ribs. Hardy goes to the top but Nakamura jumps from a kick. Nakamura with a knee high rib in the corner. Nakamura Hardy superkicks from the floor apron. Nakamura follows and we go back to advertising.

Back from break, Nakamura keeps control. Nakamura runs and drives Hardy's head into the steel ring with one knee. Nakamura brings her back and loads in the corner but Hardy rolls him for a count of 2. They scramble and Hardy hits a Twist of Fate. Hardy goes to the first rope while the fans encourage him. Randy Orton appears out of nowhere and pushes Hardy from the top to the ground for disqualification.

Winner by DQ: Jeff Hardy

– After the bell, fans continue to boo while Orton beats Hardy on the outside. Orton slams Hardy's head in the steps and the post several times. Orton rolls Hardy into the ring and grabs a steel chair. Orton brings the chair into the ring and continues Hardy. Hardy gets up and Orton hits him on the back with the chair. Orton with a chair drawn on the ribs and another on the back. Orton poses and plays the crowd, but the boos get stronger. Orton drops on the carpet and waits for Hardy to get up. Hardy blocks the RKO and opts for a Twist of Fate but it is blocked. Hardy catches the chair and lands on Orton with the fans. Orton falls and the chair moves continue. Hardy then nails a Twist of Fate. Hardy goes to the first rope and then hits a Swanton bomb. Orton comes out of the ring with pain as Hardy stands while his music hits.

– Coming up, Maryse vs. Brie Bella in the main event.

– Kayla Braxton is behind the scenes with The Miz and Maryse. Miz interrupts Kayla before she can finish the introduction. Miz wants Kayla to show a little respect because her wife is getting noticed tonight. Kayla reintroduces them and says Maryse's name first. Kayla asks if Maryse is ready for her first singles match for 7 years and they make fun of her. Maryse boasts of the speed with which she returned to the ring after giving birth and says she's going to be the pride of her husband tonight. Miz takes pictures of the wedding of Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella and says that Bryan can not beat him. Miz says Maryse will spoil Bryan's mouth if he thinks he can intimidate her. Miz says it would be … great!

– Upcoming, SmackDown Women's Champion Charlotte Flair vs. Sonya Deville in an untitled game. We will also hear WWE Champion AJ Styles. We go to the commercial.

– Back from break, advertisers lead us to a video recorded earlier today, featuring WWE Champion, AJ Styles, sitting in the empty arena. Samoa Styles Joe used his family to make him angry. AJ also says he knows Joe's story over the years. Styles says that Joe also has a family but that's the difference between them, AJ would never use anyone's family. AJ continues and calls Joe a real trash. AJ says Joe's strength will be his weakness on Sunday because no one has any advantage over him when the bell rings. AJ says that the conversation stops and that intimidation ends at Hell In a Cell. AJ says he's going to show Joe how much he really is Sunday. AJ says it's the house he built and is not for rent.

– We go back to the advertisers and they say that Joe will have a special message for the Styles family later tonight. Tom shows us an excerpt from the interview of Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair last week.

– Kayla Braxton is now behind the scenes with Charlotte Flair. Flair says she's asking for tonight's match because she feeds on the competition, but unlike Becky Lynch, she goes out every night and not only talks about it. Flair goes on and says that if there is one person she would bet on, she is herself. Flair says Becky will learn Sunday at Hell In a Cell that it's much easier to talk than to walk. Flair is hoping her old best friend looks tonight, she says. Flair delivers a "Wooooo!" and it's okay.

SmackDown Women's Champion Charlotte Flair vs. Sonya Deville

We're going into the ring and take out SmackDown women's champion Charlotte Flair for this untitled game. Back to advertising

Back from the break and advertisers beat Hell In a Cell. They led us to a promo for Braun Strowman vs. WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns with Mick Foley, WWE's Hall of Famer as special referee. We go on the ring and Flair watches Sonya Deville go out with Mandy Rose.

The bell rings and they measure themselves. They swap catches on the carpet and Flair gets to work on the carpet. Deville flips it over and drops Flair for an account of 2. Deville with shots in the corner now. Deville with a knee turning on the face for a total of 2 points. Flair pushes back and throws Deville for a count of 2. They get tangled and Flair kneels on his neck. Rose gets distracted and Deville tries to take advantage, but it turns around and Flair drops it. Deville rolls on the floor for a break while we go to the publicity.

Back from the break, Deville hits Flair while she lays him in the abs. Flair ends up trying a pin but Deville escapes. Flair with a belly suplex back. Deville with forearm strokes now. Flair fights with chops and takes him to the corner. Deville dodges a flop but Flair hits and hits the backbreaker combo. Flair climbs to the top of the track, but Deville gets up. Flair charges, but Deville drives a Spinebuster for 2 minutes.

Deville with knee shots now. Flair blocks a shot but Deville drops it into a triangle. Flair tries to fight him. Flair lights up, slams Deville into the top rope and drops it with a powerbomb with 2 strokes. Flair applies figure four and connects her to figure eight for victory.

Winner: Charlotte Flair

– After the match, Flair lifts the title while his music hits. Flair shakes hands at the edge of the ring while heading back. She goes back to the fans and takes a selfie with a girl. Flair is suddenly attacked by someone in the crowd. The woman removes the disguise and that is Becky Lynch. Becky crosses the barrier and lands on Flair. Becky applies the Disarm Her on the ramp to a mixed reaction. The referees check Flair while Becky talks about bringing back the title on Sunday.

– Advertisers direct us to a video previously recorded by Samoa Joe. Joe has a story for everyone and it's called Night, Night AJ, written by Joe. Joe reads the bedtime story about AJ and his family as we look at the recent highlights of the Joe vs. Styles quarrel. The last picture of the story has Joe with the title of the WWE and the AJ family.

– Daniel Bryan is behind the scenes with Brie Bella, staging it for the main event. Remains to come, Rusev Day vs. The Bar in a game of # 1. We go to the commercial.

– Back from break, Kayla approaches Becky Lynch behind the scenes. She says she's still planning to break Flair's arm but after winning the title at Hell In a Cell.

Match # 1: The Bar vs. Rusev Day

We're going into the ring and SmackDown Tag Team Champions The New Day are looking for feedback. Big E makes pancakes. We cut behind the scenes of a pre-recorded video and Kofi Kingston is dressed as behind-the-scenes interviewer Kramer Kingsman, blonde wig and all. We see The Bar's strategy behind the scenes when Kofi is mocking comedy. We return to the ring and leave The Bar, Sheamus and Cesaro. The winners of this match will face the new Sunday day at Hell In a Cell. Rusev Day is back on the bill as Aiden English sings the introduction. We go to the commercial.

Back from break, Rusev controls Sheamus. Rusev drops Sheamus and knocks Cesaro off the apron. Rusev with 2 leaders Cesaro ends up scoring and slamming Rusev. Cesaro keeps Rusev on the ground now. Sheamus returns and applies a new game to Rusev. Rusev frees himself and shears Sheamus as he runs toward him. English gets etiquette and comes flying with a crossbody.

English lands on Sheamus and strikes a choke. English pours Sheamus on the floor. Rusev sneaks and drops a loaded Cesaro on the ground. English runs the ropes and Rusev throws him out, picking up the Bar on the floor. English returns and leaves Sheamus with a DDT for an account of 2. English brings Sheamus back to the ring and Cesaro tries to distract. Rusev warms him up but Sheamus catches the English with a big knee. Cesaro takes control of English now and has words with the new day. Sheamus comes in and they crush the english in the corner. Sheamus with an account of 2. Cesaro inserts and keeps the English on the ground. We go to the commercial.

Back from break, Sheamus controls English. English turns but can not score because Rusev is still outside. Lana comforts him and he takes the beacon. Rusev arrives on Cesaro when he arrives. Cesaro blocks Machka's kick. Rusev gives a knee to the stomach and a big kick to drop Cesaro for 2 minutes. Rusev screams and stops on Cesaro, then applies The Accolade. Sheamus runs and breaks the plug.

The Bar eventually put Rusev in the corner. Sheamus joins the DDT doubles team, but Rusev continues to play at 2. Rusev looks to make the comeback, but Sheamus qualifies him for a new account of 2. Sheamus gets ready for a brogue kick but l & # 39; English sacrifices and eats it. Rusev takes advantage and hits Machka 's kick on Sheamus for the pin and title shot.

Winners and new contenders on 1st: Rusev Day

– After the match, Lana enters the ring to celebrate with the new contenders at number 1. The New Day applauds them. We go to replays. Rusev Day talks about the garbage on the ring and The New Day sends it back from their personalized announcement table.

– Advertisers connect female champion Alexa Bliss vs RAW, Ronda Rousey, to Hell In a Cell and we receive a promo.

R-Truth against Andrade "Cien" Almas

We go to the ring and R-Truth goes out with Carmella, knocking on the ring. We go to the commercial.

Back from break, Andrade "Cien" Almas goes out with Zelina Vega. The bell rings and Almas rocks in the truth. Truth fights and takes Almas with a big kick. Almas comes back with a big kick for an account of 2. Vega cheers Almas while he's keeping control of the truth.

The truth blocks an attempt at suplex and slams Almas against the carpet. Truth blocks more blows in the middle of the ring and kicks. The truth shows a little and nails a big shot in the corner. Almas blocks a scissors and lands on the ropes with Vega. Carmella arrives and pulls Vega off the ground. Almas ended up rolling the Truth with a handful of shorts on the distraction for the victory.

Winner: Andrade "Cien" Almas

– After the match, Almas and Vega leave while Vega talks to Carmella. We go to reruns and return to both teams by saying the words Almas and Vega.

– Kayla Braxton is behind the scenes with Asuka. Asuka talks about her return last week to help Naomi and Naomi join her, thanking her for taking her back. They hit The IIconics and leave together for dinner.

Brie Bella vs Maryse

We go into the ring and Brie Bella goes out with Daniel Bryan for tonight's main event. Back to advertising

Maryse with The Miz is back. The bell rings and Maryse finds herself outside with her husband, starting to start the game while the fans are drinking. Maryse returns but strikes the ropes for a break when Brie charges. Maryse stirs her hair and poses to taunt Brie. Maryse folds on the floor while Brie charges. Brie picks up the microphone and says that she always knew that Maryse was a little loose.

Maryse storms the ring but leaves again when Brie attacks. Miz takes the microphone and says that they are not cowards. Fans cheer and agree with Brie. Miz complains of how Maryse does not deserve to be in the ring with his wife. He praises her and how she came to give birth 5 months ago. Miz says this city does not deserve this match either. Miz says this main event is over and they will see us at Hell In a Cell on Sunday.

Miz and Maryse will leave but Brie will run out and stop Maryse. Brie arrives on Maryse and brings her back to the ring as "yes!" songs pick up. Maryse pulls Brie off a kick while she is distracted by Miz and Bryan on the outside. Bryan rallies fans for his wife. Brie counts and applies the Yes lock. Miz pulls Brie out of the ring to break the jack and she hits hard. The referee calls to the bell.

Winner by DQ: Brie Bella

– After the bell, Bryan immediately attacks Miz and begins to hit him, then to enter the ring. Miz defends himself and throws Bryan out of the ring, accidentally throwing him into Brie. Bryan watches Brie but Miz comes from behind and the attack. Miz sends Bryan in the steps of the ring. Miz tells Maryse to go to Brie and she rides him down. Maryse sends Brie into the tarmac several times. Brie turns around and rides Maryse with strikes. Miz stops her and she will slap him but Maryse stops her. Brie blocks the French Kiss DDT. Bryan lands on Miz in the corner with kicks. Brie expelled Maryse. Bryan talks to Miz and throws him out of the ring after Brie punches him in the face. Bryan and Brie go to the corners to celebrate Bryan's music. Miz and Maryse are watching from the ramp and they are not happy. SmackDown takes off as Bryan and Brie lead the "yes!" sing in the ring.

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