The optimism of American small businesses has reached its highest level of history


Small businesses are increasingly optimistic as economic expansion enters its tenth year and the Trump administration gives priority to deregulation of the sector and tax cuts. Businesses boosted inventories to meet strong consumer demand for goods and services.

"The small business driver continues to grow with the dramatic change in economic policies since November 2016," said survey authors William Dunkelberg and Holly Wade.

Although the measure of the intention to hire has reached a record, finding skilled workers remains a problem. Among companies trying to fill a position during the month, 89% said they found few or no qualified candidates. At the same time, information showing an increase in wages remained unchanged at 32% of companies and plans to increase wages fell by 1 point to 21%.

– A record 25% of homeowners cited "quality of work" as the most important problem facing their business

– 34% said it was a good time to grow their business, two points higher than the previous month

– Companies that expect an increase in real sales of 3 points to 26%

– Six of the ten components of the index have increased compared to the previous month

This article was written by Katia Dmitrieva, a Washington Post reporter.

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