A new report shows that carbon capture is key to Paris's climate goals The engineer


A major new report described the steps needed to make UK carbon neutral by 2050, with carbon capture technology being an essential component.

The estimated combination of actions required for the UK to achieve net emissions of 2050

Presented by the Royal Academy of Engineering and the Royal Society, the report examined different methods of eliminating greenhouse gases (GGH) as well as their costs and impacts on the environment. land use. Although greenhouse gas emissions are significantly reduced by 2050, it is estimated that 130 megatons of CO2 will have to be removed from the atmosphere to make the UK carbon neutral and mitigate the worst effects of climate change.

Achieving this goal will require a range of measures, including reforestation, soil carbon sequestration, biomass construction, and low carbon concrete. However, the report states that more than half of the CO2 will have to be captured via BECCS (Capture and Storage of Energy Carbon from Biomass) or DACCS (Direct Carbon Capture and Storage in the Air). Both technologies are at an early stage of development and will likely require government support if they are to grow at the required pace.

"We must absolutely continue to focus on rapid reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, but we will also need to use these methods to meet international climate goals and manage the planet for future generations," said Gideon Henderson FRS. Oxford University and chair of the report working group.

"If the UK is acting now on the elimination of greenhouse gases, we can achieve national emissions targets and show how a major industrialized economy can play a leading role in the achievement of the objectives of the Paris Agreement.

In addition to carbon capture technologies, some of the other relatively untested methods for GGR include worsening the Earth's atmosphere and biochar. The first involves grinding silicate rocks and spreading them over farmland, where they react with atmospheric CO2. Meanwhile, the biochar sees soil-like carbon materials and sequestered carbon content for thousands of years. In order for the UK to reach a zero net CO2 scenario by 2050, all of these techniques will have to be applied together, with BECCS and DACCS performing the bulk of the heavy tasks.

The UK needs multiple approaches to achieve its climate goals

"No single technology alone can mitigate the effects of climate change," said Professor Nilay Shah FREng, Director of the Center for Process Systems Engineering at Imperial College London and a member of the report working group. .

"The report highlights the portfolio of greenhouse gas removal technologies needed to meet the objectives of the Paris Agreement. However, delivery of these technologies to the scale required will present many challenges. Overcoming these obstacles will require a concerted effort by engineers, scientists and governments around the world. For the goal to remain in our sights, steps must be taken now. "


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