Watch Matthew McConaughey, Jimmy Fallon, Roots' Tariq Trotter "True Confessions" – Rolling Stone


Matthew McConaughey, Jimmy Fallon and Tariq Trotter of the Roots competed in a True Confessions round on Tuesday. Tonight, using a detective-style interrogation to validate wild stories about mountain rams, docking ferries and Kanye West.

Each player has received two envelopes: one containing a real story and the other a lie. As one player made his confession (maybe even false), the other competitors grilled them on the details, hoping to get out of lies.

McConaughey opened with a doozy. "I was accused by a mountain ram on the edge of the Grand Canyon and had to throw my six-month-old to 15 feet in the air to save him," he said. The actor added that he "already had [gotten] rid of the dog "before the meeting with the ram, to which Fallon replied:" So you saved the dog first? After an intense back-and-forth, McConaughey revealed that he was telling the truth.

Fallon intervened with the admission, "Once, I moored a ferry full of tourists returning from the Statue of Liberty." "What year was it?" McConaughey asked, laughing immediately. Both interrogators determined that the host of the night was lying – and they were wrong.

"Dude, that was weird," Fallon said. "I was coming back, I went because I'm in the Statue of Liberty – it's really unbelievable, so I went and I was just hanging out, it was awesome." I'm back on that ferry and people started to receive autographs because it was before cell phones.The captain says, "Just get into the cockpit so you do not get mugged." He says, "Have you ever docked a ferry? I'm talking about: what are you talking about? There are probably 200 people on this thing.

Trotter finished the segment with the most funny memory: "I The rapper embellished the story with specific details, noting that his co-host Common was with the duo at a sneaker shop in Los Angeles, when West decided to jump in the trunk to avoid a host of fans taking pictures.

"That was his [idea]"Said Trotter from the West," he just wanted me to get him out of there … there was an event there.The store was about a block and a half away from where lived Common, lived with the legendary producer J. Dilla.

McConaughey, impressed by the specificity, voted "true". But Fallon called his bluff. "It's a lie!", Revealing Trotter savoring deception.

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