It's not just FEMA: ICE got an extra $ 200 million


But it's a drop in the bucket.

The Trump administration has redistributed $ 200 million from the entire Department of Homeland Security to Immigrations and Customs Enforcement, despite congressional warnings about the "lack of fiscal discipline" and "unsustainable" spending by the CIE .

The US Department of Homeland Security has asked for money, according to a paper released this week by Oregon Sen. Jeff Merkley. Of the $ 200 million, the document indicates that $ 93 million will go to immigrant detention, a 3% increase in the budget that will fund the capacity of 2,300 more inmates; and $ 107 million for "transportation and removal" or deportations, an increase of 29% of the budget.

The decision comes as the Trump administration pursues an aggressive immigration program, stepping up arrests of undocumented immigrants and expulsions.

In addition to the largely condemned decision taken this summer to separate families on the border, the administration has criticized the arrest of a much higher rate of illegal non-criminal immigrants and sought to detain them for much longer. On Tuesday, the administration announced that it would triple the size of a temporary emergency tent facility to accommodate more immigrant children.

The additional $ 200 million would allocate to the ICE budget for holding and transporting more than $ 3.6 billion.

The money came from different parts of the DHS, including FEMA, the WMD Bureau, the Federal Forces Training Centers, the Coast Guard, the Transportation Safety Administration, and so on. , the cybersecurity and customs office.

DHS and ICE did not immediately respond to a request for comments on overruns.

The $ 10 million from FEMA does not come from the agency's emergency budget, the agencies noted. "DHS / FEMA is financially and operationally ready to respond to current and future response and recovery needs," said FEMA spokesperson Tyler Q. Houlton.

DHS has asked to transfer the money to the Congressional custodians, who approved the plan this summer, according to Detention Watch Network Policy Director Mary Small, whose group obtained the document and provided it to Merkley.

The Congress sets funding levels for all parts of government through the appropriation process, but the funding of reprogramming requests such as this is allowed by law for relatively small amounts within the agencies. .

The department must then inform the chairpersons of the relevant Congressional appropriation sub-committees, which must approve. Since Republicans are in the majority in both the House and the Senate, these legislators lead the committees. The two have signed the reallocation, said Republican and Democratic assistants to CNN.

Democratic Senator releases document showing ICE received $ 9.8 million from FEMA

Small said the claim was part of a larger problem and accused ICE of "stealing" money for themselves in order to expand their deportation and deportation capabilities. detention, even beyond the intentions of the Congress.

Congress has long limited the amount of money allocated to the CIE to force it to prioritize its efforts to control immigration. ICE has only about 40,000 places in detention, which means that it can not hold all undocumented immigrants in the United States. Keeping funds at a certain level allows Congress to control how much enforcement can be done.

But ICE exceeded this amount and regularly asked for more money.

Texas tent facility for immigrant children to grow despite the separation of separations
Congressional records indicate that ICE reprogrammed combined $ 83 million for fiscal years 2014 and 2015, and an additional $ 127 million for fiscal 2016. These claims are generally not made public.

"(That's) this uncontrolled behavior on the part of the ICE where they exceed the amount that they received from Congress, especially for detention of immigrants, and then they steal basically other accounts in the DHS, "Small said.

Legislators dissatisfied with CIE spending

The Republican-led Congress has already reprimanded ICE for its spending habits.

The House's 2017 explanatory statement on domestic security funding for this exercise, as recorded in the Congressional Register, described "financial management weaknesses" as a "particular problem" with the execution operations. and withdrawal of ICE.

"The lack of fiscal discipline and cavalier management of funding of detention operations, evidenced by inaccurate budget formulation and uneven execution, appears to be the result of a perception that ERO is financed by indefinite appropriation. ", the statement said.

Similar wording appears in this year's appropriation bills.

"The CIE continues to spend at an unsustainable rate," says the Senate Credit Committee report that accompanies its proposal for Homeland Security over the next fiscal year. "In view of the Committee's persistent and growing concerns about the lack of real or manufactured ICE budgetary discipline, and its inability to manage detention resources within the limits of statutory appropriations without the threat of harm. anti-deficiency, the Committee asks to cover the excesses of ICE. "

Small says his group is "on the hill screaming about it" to encourage Congress to break the pattern.

"These are real shenanigans that need to be mastered, not just from the point of view of good governance, but also from the point of view that it is other accounts that need money," Small said.

CNN's Ashley Killough and Betsy Klein contributed to this report. request

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