How long should you get the flu shot?



Photo: Tom Merton / Getty Images

Rumors are true: the flu season is officially on. It's hard to wrap your head, we know it, after all, it's even hotter than sweater time. But doctors are already warning that it's not too early to get flu shot for the season. (Keep up to date with everything you need to know about the CDC guidelines for the 2018-2019 influenza season here.)

When should you get a flu shot?

At what age should you receive the flu shot? As now, according to experts. "The best time to be vaccinated is the end of September," says Darria Long Gillespie, MD, an emergency physician and author of Mom Hacks. Although the peak of the influenza season usually does not occur until December, "you want to ensure protection before the season arrives, as early as October – and protect it until end of the season.

If you wait for people in your office to get sick to get your shot, it may be too late. "You need two weeks to develop immunity to the virus," says Dr. Gillespie. And during this window, you are always likely to get sick. "You want to have enough time for you to be protected before the first wave of the flu begins to hit, "she says. In other words, it is better to be prepared. (In relation: Americans should take more sick days)

How long can you get the flu shot?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend that you stop by your doctor or local clinic to get your flu shot before the end of October. But if you are too caught up in Halloween projects and miss the deadline, you should still go there as soon as possible – it is technically never too late to get vaccinated.

"Although it is recommended to be vaccinated as soon as possible, getting vaccinated later can still be beneficial," says Papatya Tankut, licensed pharmacist and vice president of pharmaceutical affairs at CVS Health. The peak of the influenza season is between December and February, so even if you do not shoot before Thanksgiving, you'll be protected from the worst. CVS offers vaccinations throughout the season (until stocks run out). And you have to be aware of this: doctors' offices and pharmacies may lack flu vaccines early in the season.

Can you get the flu shot even after catching the flu?

Okay, so you did not get your flu shot and you got sick, at least now you can not catch the flu any more, is not it?

No chance. It turns out that you can catch the flu more than once a season because of the multiple strains of the virus. However, "the vaccine protects against multiple strains of the flu," says Tankut. (Each year, the CDC predicts which strains of the virus will be the worst for the coming season and formulates the vaccine to fight the most common strains.) "Getting vaccinated, even after a flu, can prevent future infection by another strain of the virus, "she explains.

Where can you get the flu shot?

You have two main options: your doctor or your local pharmacy.

Most doctors offer the vaccine (or the nasal spray, which is approved again by the CDC this season to repel the flu).

If you prefer not to deal with the hassle, the country's pharmacies, including CVS and Walgreens, offer the vaccines in-store. Most insurance plans cover them even. "The flu vaccine is now available at all CVS pharmacies and MinuteClinic branches across the country," Tankut says. "No appointments are necessary."

We get it: Getting your flu shot may seem like a pain in your expertise, especially when you're in good health. But as evidenced by the badness of last season, the flu can be serious – more people were hospitalized for the flu last season than ever before. "Getting the flu shot is the most effective way to protect yourself and your family from the flu," says Tankut. Why risk it?

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