Jimmy Buffett surfs in South Carolina before Hurricane Florence hits


Hurricane Florence is expected to hit the East Coast later this week, but that does not stop Jimmy Buffett from catching waves in South Carolina. He ended up posting a photo on his Instagram, with a warning to others.

The singer of "Margaritaville" and aficionado of the known Hawaiian shirt released Wednesday a screen shot of an Instagram story, along with another man, next to big surfboards.

The caption of the photo quotes the song of the musician, "Surfing in a Hurricane".

"I'm not afraid to die," he says, "I do not need to explain, I want to go surfing in a hurricane #follybeachsurfing"

But the 71-year-old has warned others who might think to follow in his wake to be careful. "On a serious note – respect Mother Nature, be careful and listen to your local authorities," finished the legend.

The location tag of the photo indicates that the picture was taken at Folly Beach, South Carolina. We do not know the exact time the photo was taken.

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