Astronomers at the ALMA observatory have just registered an old "galaxy of monsters", a thriving star factory.

Salutations to all. We still have four of the five planets visible in our early evening sky and although there is a growing moon in the evening sky this week, it's still a good time to watch the stars. This crescent moon will be between Venus and Jupiter on Thursday and they will make a nice trio in the western sky. Venus and Jupiter are both closer to the western horizon.

Mars and Saturn are above the southern horizon and are easy to find. Mars has been the subject of many news in recent months. He made his closest approach to Earth since 2003 last month and as he was covered by a raging dust storm all summer, he looked more yellow than his traditional red. But its proximity has made us incredibly bright and it still looks as bright as Jupiter.

More: Measure the sky using your fist

More: See the popular constellations, the brightest stars during the "magic half-hour"

Not only did he make his closest approach to us, this Saturday March reaches perihelion, which means he is making his closest point of approach to the sun for this trip. Mars will become darker in our sky all month long as it moves away from us, but it will remain very bright. And do not forget to watch Saturn above the teapot of Sagittarius.

The true beauty of our autumn skies

This crescent crescent moon will not throw much light and there are beautiful sites to see. If you noticed that the width of his fist is slightly lower than that of Saturn, it is probably not the clouds you see. The center of our Milky Way galaxy is located there and the Milky Way is one of the true beauties of our autumn sky.

He gets up from this point and passes almost over your head. Remember that I spoke to you last month of the Summer Triangle and how these three stars now formed a big "X" in the sky with Saturn and Mars? This is always the case and two of the stars of the Summer Triangle are part of a famous Eastern legend.

River of Heaven

The Chinese have called the Milky Way the River of Heaven and the legend speaks of a heavenly weaver of the sky stuff who fell in love with a mortal man. This did not go well with the Queen of Heaven and she separated the lovers by placing them on the opposite shores of the river of the sky.

The bright star Vega is the heavenly maid and the red star Altair is the mortal woman she fell in love with. In your personal heaven, Vega is the top star of giant X and Altair is the central star. The emperor of heaven had pity on lovers and on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, he bridges birds so lovers can be reunited. This festival is still celebrated in China today.

Swan the Swan

The star at the bottom left of the X, in front of Mars, does not appear in the Chinese legend. This is Deneb, the brightest star of Cygnus the Swan. You should be able to distinguish the body of the Swan as a line of stars that points from Deneb to the zenith and to see another line of stars crossing it at a right angle near Deneb. This line is the wings of the swan and the swan flies eternally south along the Milky Way.

And if you've had a stressful week, remember that watching the dark skies of Guam in the fall is one of the most relaxing things you can do. Our heaven is a rich feast, enjoy it tonight!

Pam Eastlick is the star star!


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