The United States will regret that tariffs have hurt China's growth


Washington will regret its trade dispute with Beijing when US tariffs eventually slow China's economy, said former US Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez.

Trump on Twitter: If the United States sells a car in China, the tax is 25%. If China sells a car in the United States, there is a 2% tax. Does anyone think that's FAIR? The days when the United States has been scammed by other nations, it's over!

Trump frequently aired his critics of China in public, including on Twitter. One of his complaints is about China's trade practices, which he said hurt American businesses and workers. While some issues need to be addressed, calling China in public can not solve them, Gutierrez said.

"I would take a private approach.The problem in public is that it can humiliate a country.We are talking about sovereign countries, not corporations, and put China in a position to be publicly called and potentially publicly humiliated. . " , publicly losing face, it can not succeed, "he said.

But it's a sign of progress that the United States appears to be willing to discuss with China, Gutierrez noted, adding that both sides could reach an agreement in the end.

"It could be resolved in an agreement, I do not know how much it will achieve the goals of the president," he said. "We have to understand that trade is part of what drives growth and I think it's a very dangerous assumption that if our trade deficit is high, we lose."

The US trade deficit with China was $ 375.6 billion in 2017, according to Census Bureau data. During the first seven months of this year, the United States recorded a $ 222.6 billion trade deficit with China.

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