John Sidney McCain III: Prisoner of war in Vietnam for five years, he was Senator from Arizona from 1987 until his death and was twice a candidate for the presidency.
Nate Kelly,

National Republicans began broadcasting TV ads against the Democrats using the video of the late Senator John McCain, a gesture his family reported did not tolerate.

Republican Congressional National Committee advertising in Tucson is using McCain's criticism of former Democratic Representative Ann Kirkpatrick, who ran against him in this year's Senate race. McCain, who died August 25 after a long fight against brain cancer.

In a statement, a spokesman for the McCain family said they were hoping for improvement.

"The McCain family thinks it's unfortunate that the image of the senator is being fired this election season," the statement said. "They hope that there will be more respect, especially so soon after his death."

Jack Pandol, a spokesman for the NRC, declined to discuss the announcement or disapproval of the family, saying only that the advertisement was talking about itself.

The ads are probably just the beginning of a new season during which candidates – and those who take sides in politics – are trying to claim McCain's legend and legacy according to their needs.

A New Jersey Democrat vying for Congress also issued a McCain praising ad, which would have been approved by his family.

Features of the ad

Ann Kirkpatrick (Photo: Patrick Breen / The Republic)

The Tucson announcement is being executed in Arizona's 2nd Congressional District, which pits Kirkpatrick against Republican Lea Marquez Peterson, in the most contested home race of this round electoral.

The NRCC announcement inspired McCain's final campaign in 2016. Kirkpatrick was the Democrat Senate candidate that year.

Looking directly into the camera, McCain says, "Ann Kirkpatrick will not oppose higher taxes, she will not oppose more federal spending, and she will not oppose the increase in debts that slow down economic growth. "

A narrator then said that McCain's words were a warning to listen again today.

"In 2016, Senator McCain warned us," the statement said, citing its support for the 2009 economic stimulus, which occurred at the height of the Great Recession shortly after the president took office Barack Obama. "Arizona has rejected Kirkpatrick before, it's time to start again."

Kirkpatrick, who congratulated McCain after his death, had tough words on tactics.

"For them to use Senator McCain's images for political purposes without permission while his family and all of Arizona are still in mourning, is classless and shameful," Kirkpatrick said in a statement. "I can not imagine why Lea Marquez Peterson or her allies want to run their campaign this way."

The Marquez Peterson campaign avoided the issue of McCain's approval.

"Lea has the utmost respect for Senator McCain and his service in Arizona and in the country," said Chris Scotten. "We are focusing on why Lea is the best choice for the 2nd district because of her experience here, creating a business here and creating jobs here."

Related: Peterson wins tight race and faces Kirkpatrick

Previous incident in a heated race

Earlier, Marquez Peterson was outraged when the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee issued a political announcement against her at McCain's funeral.

The announcement targeted Marquez Peterson on his support for the tax cuts legislation that President Donald Trump promulgated in December.

"Call me naive because that's the first time I show up, but I find it reprehensible that (House Minority Leader) Nancy Pelosi and the Washington Democrats attack me during my stay in North Phoenix Baptist Church to honor Senator McCain's life in a report.

"The death of the late senator is a unique chance for all Arizonans to reflect on his legacy of service to the country, regardless of his political party.It is unfortunate that the main supporters of Ann Kirkpatrick have chosen to talk about negativity rather than unity. "

MORE: Dems ran an attack announcement in the Tucson Congress race during the McCain Memorial

At the time, NRC called the announcement a "new downgrade".

"Ann Kirkpatrick should be ashamed for allowing Nancy Pelosi's henchmen to lower that day for her benefit," the group said.

The 2nd District is currently represented by Republican Martha McSally, who is running for the seat in the Senate.

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McCain's words used in other announcements

In New Jersey, Tom Malinowski, who worked at the Obama State Department, aired an ad featuring images of McCain praising Malinowski at the Senate confirmation hearing in 2013. Malinowksi -torture bill by McCain, who was tortured for more than five years as a prisoner during the Vietnam War.

"It's a contribution that Tom has made, especially in the congressional struggle to end the torture, and I'm always grateful to him," McCain said.

Malinowski runs against US representative Leonard Lance, R-New Jersey. The Washington Post stated that Malinowski's campaign had "been in contact with McCain's representatives throughout the campaign and that they did not object to him using the footage or talking about his work with McCain. . "

Related: John McCain will be best remembered as Gop's Maverick & # 39;

In Michigan,A state whose main GOP McCain won during its presidential race in 2000, NRC again used McCain's words in negative publicity.

This announcement shows McCain at a 2014 Senate hearing involving Elissa Slotkin, a current Democrat against the US Republican Mike Bishop, a Republican. McCain torpedoed her appointment at that time as Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs.

"Miss Slotkin, you do not know the truth, or you do not tell the truth," McCain said in that announcement. He continues to note that McCain called her "totally unqualified".

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