A police officer shot and wounded during a clash in Sauk Center, Minnesota


A deputy sheriff from Stearns County was shot and wounded on Thursday during a showdown with a suspect in Sauk Center, Minnesota.

A press release from the Stearns County Sheriff's Office explained that the incident began shortly before 11:00 am on Thursday morning when the suspect drove a truck into a house located in the 700 block of 10 South Street.

The suspect, who was only identified as a man, barricaded himself in the building and the police evacuated the immediate neighborhood. The situation was ongoing, the police said.

During the altercation, a police officer was struck on the arm by an arrow shot from a bow and taken to a hospital in Sauk's center, according to the press release. The officer's injuries were considered life threatening but he was taken to another hospital.

Along with officers from the Stearns County Sheriff's Office, SWAT team, Sauk Center police, local police, Minnesota troops, Natural Resources Department officers

Negotiators were deployed to talk to the suspect.

This is a story in development and will be updated as new information becomes available.

breaknewslogo A police officer was wounded by a bullet with a bow during a Minnesota clash. Newsweek

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