Florence approaches the Carolina coast, bringing a storm surge and strong winds: NPR


Hurricane Florence will cause "catastrophic floods" in the Carolinas, according to the National Hurricane Center. Winds sustained by the force of a hurricane hit North Carolina.


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Hurricane Florence will cause "catastrophic floods" in the Carolinas, according to the National Hurricane Center. Winds sustained by the force of a hurricane hit North Carolina.


Updated at 4:10 am ET on Friday

Hurricane Florence was close to the north coast of Carolina, resulting in a deadly storm surge, heavy rain and sustained winds of 90 miles to the hour. Although it was downgraded to a Category 1 storm, the hurricane gained momentum and slowed its march inland, factors likely to contribute to flooding. potentially catastrophic.

More than 180,000 people would be without electricity in North Carolina.

"The National Weather Bureau of Morehead City, North Carolina, has reported a storm surge 10 feet above normal," the National Hurricane Center reported, citing transportation officials in that state.

"The threat of freshwater flooding will increase over the next few days," said the NHC announcement, which followed warnings earlier in the day.

"#Florence is expected to cause a deadly storm surge in parts of eastern North Carolina and South Carolina and catastrophic floods and prolonged floods to parts of the Carolinas and Appalachians in the south and center " said the Center Thursday night tweet predict how badly the storm will be.


The governor of North Carolina, Roy Cooper, has urged residents of his state to expect significant and lasting damage.

"The worst of the storm is not there yet, but these are warning signs of the days ahead," Cooper said at a press conference. "Conditions will continue to deteriorate with strong winds, heavy rains and extreme storm surges."

Florence is currently expected to reach the coast of Wilmington on Friday morning and then head west across South Carolina.

A wave of seawater flooded the streets of the southern tip of Hatteras Island, North Carolina on Thursday, according to The Virginian-PilotJeff Hampton, who said the arteries could be impassable after the water had submerged the dunes.

Hurricane Florence is expected to cross the coast from North Carolina to South Carolina after touching land late Thursday or early Friday.

National Meteorological Service

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National Meteorological Service

The power of the storm is visible in the live video of Frying Pan Tower, a former Coast Guard lighthouse located about 34 miles off the coast of North Carolina. The force of the wind damaged the American flag on the tower and caused an imbalance of the ocean.

"Few force changes are expected before Florence's eye reaches the coast, with a weakening expected after the center has moved inland or meandering near the coast", declared the National Hurricane Center.

Jacob Harrelson and his wife, Beth, install protective plywood on a local company in anticipation of Hurricane Florence in Wilmington, North Carolina on Wednesday.

Phyllis B. Dooney for NPR

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Phyllis B. Dooney for NPR

Jacob Harrelson and his wife, Beth, install protective plywood on a local company in anticipation of Hurricane Florence in Wilmington, North Carolina on Wednesday.

Phyllis B. Dooney for NPR

Despite the drop in wind strength, the most dangerous threat comes from the rains and storm surge from Florence, which could lead to flooding inland.

"The bigger and slower the storm, the greater the threat and the impact," NHC Director Ken Graham said Thursday. He later added: "Most deaths in these tropical systems are water related".

Florence was on the point 30 miles east of Wilmington, NC, and about 50 miles southwest of Morehead City at 4:00 pm Friday, the National Hurricane Center said. The storm was moving towards the westnorthwest at 6 mph with sustained winds of 90 miles per hour.

Businesses in Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina, are preparing for Hurricane Florence on Wednesday. Florence's weakened just over 24 hours, but it has risen again – and there will likely be torrential rains on North Carolina and South Carolina until Monday.

Phyllis B. Dooney for NPR

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Phyllis B. Dooney for NPR

According to the NHC website,

"On the forecast trail, the center of Florence will approach the north and south coasts of Carolina tonight, then move near the south coast of North Carolina and northeastern Carolina in the Friday's hurricane warning zone in eastern and central South Carolina is expected Friday night until Saturday night. "

The great wind field of Florence will add to the dangers, as the storm rumbling beaches and land. The hurricane force winds extend over 80 miles and the winds of the tropical storm force reach 195 miles from the center.

Hurricane evacuees relax Wednesday in front of Trask College's temporary shelter in Wilmington, North Carolina, before the arrival of Florence.

Phyllis B. Dooney for NPR

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Phyllis B. Dooney for NPR

Hurricane evacuees relax Wednesday in front of Trask College's temporary shelter in Wilmington, North Carolina, before the arrival of Florence.

Phyllis B. Dooney for NPR

"You're going to have damaging winds for a longer period of time," said hurricane specialist Stacy Stewart in an NHC update. "So, instead of winds of 120 km / h for 30 minutes, you could end up with winds of 90 to 100 km / h for a few hours, three or four hours, which will cause a lot of damage and prolong your life. beach erosion. "

A hurricane warning is in effect for much of the Carolina coast, from the South Santee River downstream of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina to Duck, NC – part of the Outer Banks. The warning also includes the sounds of Albemarle and Pamlico, large bodies of water in North Carolina that could be flooded.

Despite the decline in maximum sustained winds, forecasters point out that this hurricane should not be taken lightly. Hundreds of thousands have already been evacuated. Public servants urge others on their way to do the same or prepare for the worst.

"Do not focus on the wind speed category #Hurricane #Florence"The National Hurricane Center announced Thursday morning that dangerous floods, catastrophic floods and prolonged floods are still expected.

Eight entire counties and other parts in North Carolina are subject to mandatory evacuation orders. Gov.Cooper said he activated 2,800 soldiers of the National Guard to help ease the storm with more personnel on the reserve.

In South Carolina, Governor Henry McMaster said 421,000 people had been evacuated to his state. Virginia has also issued evacuation orders.

Georgia Ramson, 75, sits in front of her house and talks with her neighbors in the Wilmington district in the north of the country. N.C. Ramson says she is not afraid of the storm because she has seen many hurricanes.

Phyllis B. Dooney for NPR

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Phyllis B. Dooney for NPR

Georgia Ramson, 75, sits in front of her house and talks with her neighbors in the Wilmington district in the north of the country. N.C. Ramson says she is not afraid of the storm because she has seen many hurricanes.

Phyllis B. Dooney for NPR

McMaster said the leak window is closing quickly. "If you have not left these evacuation areas, you should leave now," he said. "Because time is running out, and remember that – once these winds begin to blow at this tropical storm rate, it will be almost impossible for rescuers to rescue you."

But some residents still say they intend to scramble.

Vicki Moulson, who teaches at a local Outer Banks University, said she planned to get through the hurricane because she wanted to be near her home and her friends.

"We're ready, I've probably gone through at least 20 hurricanes here," she told NPR's Sarah McCammon. "I've lived here for a very long time, so it's okay."

Moulson said she had initially planned to leave, but as the forecast for Florence weakened and was moving south, she decided to stay. She said she feared that if she evacuated, she would be caught in massive floods that would affect the area. Emergency management officials say that people in evacuation areas must leave while they can.

According to forecasters, Florence is likely to turn west and northwest and slow its forward movement – a situation that will bring even more precipitation to the region. Storm The advance speed of 5 mph on Thursday night was a sharp drop from Wednesday's 17 mph speed.

The storm surge – which often represents the most perilous risk to a hurricane's life – is expected to flood saltwater areas along the coast. From 7 to 11 feet deep, from Cape Fear, NC to Cape Lookout, NC. A push of at least 4 feet is expected in a much larger area.

By calling the storm surge forecast "incredible," Graham said that because it is likely that Florence will make its way to the coast, giving its hurricane winds plenty of time to force the water inland, a mile and a half inland – maybe even 2 miles or more, in some cases. "

The latest forecast of rain forecasts 20 to 40 inches of precipitation from the North Carolina coast to northeastern South Carolina, which could lead to "catastrophic floods," said the hurricane center. The NHC has warned that the rest of South Carolina and North Carolina, including cities ranging from Charlotte to Raleigh, can expect rainfall of 6 to 12 inches and up to 2 feet in isolated areas. This forecast area also includes part of southwestern Virginia.

In addition to the obvious risks of the hurricane, the National Weather Service said: "Some tornadoes are possible in eastern North Carolina until Friday."

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