Salem Passes Airbnb Rules | Local news


SALEM – A wide range of rules governing short-term rentals like Airbnb in Salem was passed Thursday night by city council, with the rules to come into effect in April.

According to the regulation, short-term rentals would be prohibited in single-family residential areas (R1), lining them up with shelters and guest rooms, which are also prohibited in R1 areas. They would be allowed in other residential areas like two-parent families (R2) with a $ 100 registration fee and fines were also accepted Thursday night.

Now City Council will meet with the Planning Council on Monday, Sept. 17, to determine if existing short-term rentals without homeowners living on-site would be included in the policy.

City officials worked for several months on the rules governing short-term rentals, such as the owners' marketing rooms on Airbnb. Airbnb reported last year that the Salem hosts had raised $ 400,000 for the month of October alone, with nearly $ 100,000 brought to Halloween. But neighbors living near the homes complained of the nuisance caused by the continuous turnover of tenants and the lack of supervision of these tenants.

The changes made to Salem's ordinance permit short-term rental in two categories: units occupied by the owner, such as a room available in a house where the owner lives; and units adjacent to a homeowner, such as a homeowner with a two-family home that rents one part while living in the other.

Units not occupied by the owner, especially those where owners do not live on site, are prohibited by ordinance. The purpose of this change was to prevent proponents from purchasing residential properties and converting each room into a short-term rental unit, but non-owner occupied units that existed prior to the filing of the order in July would be licensed. special.

But when the councilors debated proposals in committee, the idea of ​​keeping these units became a point of friction. Along the way, a registration fee of $ 100 has been added for residents wishing to accommodate short-term rentals, according to Vickie Caldwell, an assistant municipal councilor.

Along the way, the proposals aroused opposition from Airbnb and an association of realtors, according to Caldwell.

"They are not enthusiastic about it," said Caldwell. "No one is opposed to regulation and registration, but the association of Realtors and Airbnb have taken a decisive step."

In a letter sent to Mayor Kim Driscoll on September 5, Andrew Kalloch, a member of Airbnb's public policy team, described the rules as "a Byzantine system with complicated rules, some of which compromises security." financial and privacy of resident hosts. federal law decades old. "

"In addition, the new proposal is not necessary at all, because Salem already has an existing law that creates a simple registration and inspection system for resident hosts, giving the city a window into rental activities. in the short term, for all users, "writes Kalloch." We ask you and the Council to rule out this deeply problematic proposal and to adopt models that have proved effective in the cities of Europe. average size like Salem. "

Speaking at the meeting, Ward 5 District Councilor Josh Turiel acknowledged that the rules are not popular with tenants. But at the same time, "the investor, the short term rental market is not really a market that I want to serve in this community".

"The problem we have, and have had for some time, is the rising cost of rentals," said Turiel. "The market is hot here, it's almost too hot and it's great if you want to sell your home, but that's the only time that's great."

City Council finally set the date of April 15, 2019 for the rules to come into effect. This has been done to allow homeowners to prepare for changes, as well as homeowners who have already booked rooms to go through these bookings without interruption.

The joint public hearing, which will consist of digging housing owned by non-owners, will be held in the City Council Hall, on the second floor of City Hall, at 93 Washington Street, on Monday. September 17 at 18:30.

Contact Salem reporter Dustin Luca at 978-338-2523 or [email protected]. Follow him on Facebook at or Twitter @DustinLucaSN.

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