A man arrested for faking the syndrome and hired guards to bathe him and change his diapers


A man, suspected of pretending to be suffering from Down syndrome, was arrested so that he could hire guards to wash him and change his diapers.

Paul Anthony Menchaca has been charged with fraud and sexual abuse after being arrested on September 6 at his parents' home in Gilbert, Arizona.

According to the police, Menchaca has introduced himself as his mother, "Amy," to hire employees of sites and apps such as Carelinx and Care.com, reports ABC 15. Among Amy's demands him.

A health worker told the police that she was helping Menchaca with about 30 diaper changes or baths during the summer.

"He needed a shower and grooming, he could not use the bathroom himself, he could not really be alone," said a speaker at ABC 15.

"He acted like a child; all his behavior was childish. He would make temper tantrums, talk like a child, act like a child, "said one speaker," Why would you do that? Why would you change us knowing that you did not have to? "

According to court documents seen by AZ Family, the same intervener recalled at least five separate occasions when Menchaca "aggressively said that his genitals were not sufficiently cleansed".

50283B5D00000578-0-Paul_Anthony_Menchaca_30_was_arrested_at_his_parents_home_last_T-m-36_1536904038241 Paul Menchaca was charged with a fraudulent scheme and sexual abuse after claiming to have Down's Syndrome so he could hire caregivers to change his diapers. Maricopa County Sheriff's Office

Elsewhere, "Amy" told the three caregivers hired by Menchaca to "punish" him when he stained his diaper by putting it on time and taking away his privileges, according to the statement of probable cause of arrest.

The three caregivers related to the investigation only contacted "Amy" via SMS and were paid by Menchaca in cash when they picked it up and dropped off at various locations, none of which was her probable cause statement.

Menchaca claimed that the ploy had been discovered after one of the workers followed him home after filing it somewhere else that he had given him. She then met her real mother and real father and discovered that he was not suffering from Down syndrome.

The three workers then clashed with Menchaca, who admitted to having lied all the time.

After his arrest, the Chandler Unified School District confirmed that Menchaca had been employed by them but resigned on August 31. The district also made it clear that he did not work with unattended children.

"His arrest was not related to his work with children from Bogle Junior High or any other CUSD school," said Nathan Fairchild, director of Bogle Junior High, in a letter to parents.

"He resigned the previous week and is no longer employed by the school district. Although his arrest did not involve any of our students, we had already informed the parents of the classroom where he had worked as an assistant and we wanted you to be aware as well.

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