Hurricane Florence: Waves Sprint, Verizon, AT & T


According to a Sprint statement, mobile operators are waiving overhead charges for customers affected by Hurricane Florence. AT & T and Verizon.

Customers from the three companies in South Carolina, Virginia and North Carolina will not be penalized for excess text, data or calls, according to two statements.

"Hurricane Florence should be a lifelong storm" for the Mid-Atlantic, and we will do everything possible to help our customers along this path, "said Michel Combes, CEO of Sprint. "The last thing we want is that people worry about how to stay in touch with loved ones or essential services."

Sprint's service began Wednesday and will run until September 25, according to the statement. The company has also deployed recovery teams to help after Florence has landed.

According to a company statement, Verizon offers free calls, texts and data to customers in the disaster area.

The company is also raising restrictions on speed limits for first responders in Alabama, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia, according to a statement. Officials are working to remove caps in Florida, Georgia and Tennessee.

Verizon also provides mobile access points and phones to public security teams, the statement said.

According to a statement, AT & T provides an unlimited number of conversations, texts and data to wireless and prepaid customers affected by Florence.

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