A Dallas policeman fired on his neighbor and a city is full of questions


The officer told the investigators that the door was slightly ajar then fully open when she inserted her smart key; Counsel for Mr. Jean's family said the door was closed. Officer Guyger said in court documents that when she had opened the door, the apartment was dark and she had seen a silhouette of someone she thought was a burglar. She said that she shouted orders that were ignored. Neighbors, however, told lawyers of Mr. John's relatives that they had heard someone knocking on the door and shouting, "Let me in!" And "Open up!" Before the blows of fire do not sound. They said they then heard a man, probably Mr. Jean, say, "Oh my God, why did you do that?

Officer Amber GuygerCreditKaufman County Sheriff's Office via Reuters

Snapping and screaming stories are confusing because Agent Guyger is single and lives alone, and it was unclear why she would have knocked on the door if she thought she was at home.

In some ways, the drama unfolding in Dallas is similar to other police shootings of unarmed black men who have come to Canada in recent years. Mr. Jean's family is represented by Benjamin Crump, the attorney who represented the loved ones of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown, as well as by S. Lee Merritt, family lawyer of Jordan Edwards, the student of 15 years shot dead. by a white officer last year in a suburb of Dallas. In response to police killings, the police issued a search warrant that revealed that 10.4 grams of marijuana in several bags had been found in Mr. Jean's apartment.

"First, they murder his person, then they murder his character," Crump said.

A few hours earlier in the evening, building officials had received complaints from residents that there was a strong smell of marijuana in the hallways of the fourth floor. The lawyers knocked on Mr. Jean's door and at least five other doors questioning the smell, family lawyers Jean said. We did not know who was responsible for the smell.

Mr. Jean's relatives, his lawyers and his supporters all say that the officer would have had a hard time making a mistake on Mr. Jean's door: he had a large bright red semi-circular doormat on a bare concrete floor. . Agent Guyger did not have one. Would not she have noticed?

"My main concern is that she's lying," said Mr. Merritt, one of John's family lawyers.

But supporters of Agent Guyger claim that she had her hands full by the time she arrived at Mr. Jean's door: officials said that she had with her a police vest , a bag of duty and a lunch box. somebody else.

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