Beto O'Rourke discusses solutions, Ted Cruz launches attacks


As the momentum of Representative Beto O'Rourke's candidacy for the US Senate gains momentum, outgoing President Ted Cruz chose to use the same negative tactics that failed in his two unsuccessful attempts to win the election. Republican nomination. Every day brings a new hateful attack on Cruz and his supporters against O'Rourke. The enthusiasm generated by the O'Rourke campaign is based on the Texans' desire to be civile and openly and honestly discuss solutions to the problems we face. Cruz can not compete in this area. He does not even seem to find the arena with the GPS.

Recently, I attended a series of lectures organized by O'Rourke. In events filled with Democrats, Republicans and Independents in Corpus Christi, Rockport, Goliad and Victoria, O 'Rourke spoke enthusiastically of his vision of a unified Texas that brings solutions to immigration reform, honoring our commitment to creating jobs, leading the country in clean energy production and rebuilding our struggling public schools and health systems. No questions or suggestions from the audience were prohibited. Participants were eager to listen and eager to be heard after years of closure by elected officials like Cruz.

What you will not hear at O'Rourke's public meetings are attacks against his opponent. Attacks do not provide solutions. In recent days, Cruz has attempted to misrepresent O'Rourke's electoral record and ridicule his experiences as a young man. These experiences, good or bad, have turned the congressman into a dedicated public servant that he is today. Cruz now uses video clip assembly to imply that O'Rourke tolerates the burning of our American flag. With no record of his six years as a senator, Cruz chooses to tour the situation while O'Rourke presents himself to the state to welcome the contributions of all Texans. On November 6, we must empty Cruz from this channel and elect a man who strives to unite us all to make Texas the leader of solutions that will benefit our country.

Robin Rieck

Cedar Creek

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