Donald Trump will get in touch with everyone on September 20th at FEMA's emergency test


Get ready to receive a text message from President Donald Trump on September 20th. But it will not be a political message or an attack on one of its perceived enemies – or at least that's not supposed to be.

He intends to send a message to every cell phone in America to test a new system of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) that will allow any US president to to communicate directly with the public via SMS during a national emergency.

If you do not remember it before, you're right. This is a first for wireless emergency alerts, which is supposed to send a text message to all mobile phones located at the receiving distance of a cell tower of participating carriers, which includes all the major ones.

Put your own alert for a few minutes before 11:18 pm Pacific, 12:18 pm Mountain, 1:18 pm Central and 2:18 pm If you do not want to be surprised by President Trump's test.

The text will use the same buzz and ring for an AMBER alert or an extreme weather warning. The text message will have a "Presidential Alert" header and read as follows: "THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is necessary. "

While the four main mobile operators are compatible with WEA, which is voluntary on their part, the old phones and some areas of some operator networks are not WEA compatible.

FEMA has already tested a related system three times before, called the Emergency Alert System (EAS), which extends to all participating broadcast media, including cable, satellite and over-the-air television. The EAS test will appear at 2:20 pm EDT on September 20th.

The EAS is an update of tests with which many people grew up in the United States: "This is a test. This station performs a test of the emergency broadcast system. This is only a test. The new text is slightly simpler.

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