New research reveals a surprising geological connection between England and France


A mapping of geochemistry in southwestern Britain. A few hundred million years ago, the ancient continents of Armorica collided with Avalonia and Laurentia, creating what was to become modern England. For the study, the researchers examined the minerals found in Devon and Cornwall. ( Nature )

A new study revealed that England was formed because of the collision not of two, but of three ancient landmasses.

The third land mass called Armorica, which is today France, was involved in the collision between Avalonia and Laurentia, creating what is now called England, the Wales and Scotland.

How the British mainland has formed

For centuries, geologists believed that only two ancient landmasses – Avalonia and Laurentia – came together to create Britain. This took place more than 400 million years ago.

However, a new study published in the journal Nature Communications There is evidence that Armorica has also struck Avalonia and Laurentia.

The discovery was made through a thorough study of mineral properties found at 22 sites in Devon and Cornwall in England. These areas were exposed as a result of underground volcanic eruptions that occurred about 300 million years ago, leaving magma on the surface of the Earth.

The researchers took rock samples and subjected them to a chemical and isotopic analysis to understand the history of the earth. They then compared their study to previous research in the UK and continental Europe.

"It has always been presumed that the border between Avalonia and Armorica was below what would appear to be the natural boundary of the Channel," said Arjan Dijkstra, who led the study.

"But our results suggest that, even though there is no physical line to the surface, there is a clear geological boundary that separates Cornwall and South Devon from the rest of the UK."

Walking from France to England

The study revealed a clear division between Devin and Cornwall. While the north of the two counties shares its geological roots with the rest of England and Wales, the southern regions have more similarities with France and other parts of the European continent.

The discovery of Dijkstra and the team changes the way geologists see the formation of the United Kingdom there are millions of years. About 10,000 years ago, what today is known as England and France were connected by a land bridge that allowed humans and animals to migrate to and from the areas. Now, the world knows that England and France were even closer millions of years ago.

The collision also explains why there is an abundance of tin and tungsten in the far southwest of England. The mineral is found in other parts of continental Europe, but not in the rest of the United Kingdom.

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