Fan theory "Avengers 4" reveals how Jane Foster could return


After a decade and 20 films in the film universe of Marvel, fans are eager to see how the fight against Thanos ends in Avengers 4. But many hope to see faces back, even if they have not been seen for a long time.

A new fan theory indicates the return of former Thor lover, Jane Foster, with some major references from Marvel's previous films. Check it below:

In Thor The Dark World, Jane Foster refers to an Asguardian machine as a "quantum field generator". Would his involvement in Avengers 4 have anything to do with the quantum realm? of r / FanTheories

As the theory says, Thor: The World of Darkness did the initial setup for the possibility when Jane queries the Asgard Soul Forge, comparing it to a quantum field generator. It specifically explains its purpose by saying that it "transfers molecular energy from one place to another".

This could be related to the events of Ant-Man and the wasp, in which the franchise has done a lot of effort to set up the Quantum Realm, where the limits of the possibilities have yet to be tested. As Janet van Dyne warns Scott Lang in the film's post-production scenes, he has to pay attention to Time Vortexes in Quantum Realm.

Many fans have assumed that this would lead to a trip back in time playing a major role in the aftermath of Avengers: Infinity War, as well as photos and other rumors that revolved around the film.

It remains to be seen if Foster survived the breakup, but if she did (and if she is in the movie), there is no doubt that she would be a powerful ally in the Avengers' attempts to repair the effects of Thanos.

It would be a good place to reintroduce Foster to Marvel fans, provided that actress Natalie Portman is back. And although she has a busy schedule, it seems there is still a possibility for her to be added to Avengers 4 if it has not already been.

Hulk actor Mark Ruffalo recently participated in the Marvelists podcast and talked about the upcoming movie, revealing that they still had not locked the end.

"We are not just reshoots, we are going to finish the film, we really could not finish it completely when we left it last year … I do not even know that They really know exactly, "Ruffalo said. "Part goes on while we're there, it's pretty amazing, and we're going to shoot some stuff and a few days later, let's go back and pick it up because we want to take it in another direction." C & # 39; is a very lively organism, even if we come close to it as a locked image, we are still working on it. "

We'll see if Foster comes back and potentially becomes the new Thor, when Avengers: Infinity War premieres in theaters on May 3, 2019.

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