Joint statement by NASA and Roscosmos on air leakage in the ISS


A photo of the international space station above the earth. NASA and Roscosmos discussed the recent atmospheric pressure leak on board the ISS during a teleconference. A committee was created to investigate the source of the mysterious hole. ( The NASA )

NASA and its Russian counterpart, Roscosmos, sat down to talk about the recent pressure leak on the International Space Station.

At a teleconference, both space agencies discussed the matter two weeks after the astronauts aboard the orbiting space station had found a leak inside a Soyuz capsule at dockside. . The meeting took place on Wednesday, September 12th.

The investigation is continuing

NASA's director, Jim Bridenstine, and Roscosmos' general manager, Dmitry Rogozin, have decided to create a commission to specifically investigate the cause of the leak that, according to Roscosmos, was carried out at the time. help from a hand drill. The Russian space agency will conduct the investigation.

During the conversation, Bridenstine and Rogozin also spoke of the growing popularity of a theory that American astronauts sabotaged the Soyuz capsule on board the ISS.

"The director and the managing director took note of the speculation that circulated in the media regarding the possible cause of the incident and agreed to postpone any preliminary conclusion and provide explanations until the end of the investigation, "revealed the statement released Thursday by NASA. September 13

"They recognized that the entire crew was dedicated to the safety of the operation of the station and all spacecraft moored to ensure the success of the mission."

Russian officials initially suspected that the hole had been created by a micrometeoroid. However, after investigation, they said the leak was caused by the man, pointing out the traces of a drill around it.

In a statement, he promised to find who was responsible, whether it was accidental or deliberate, and whether it was done on Earth or in space.

Meanwhile, the commander of the mission, Drew Feustel, recently spoke and denied the rumors that he or one of his members had anything to do with the mysterious hole.

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NASA and Roscosmos will continue to work together to identify how the hole was created. Bridenstine is also expected to visit the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan next month to send NASA astronaut Nick Hague and Russian cosmonaut Alexey Ovchinin to a Soyuz MS-10 at the ISS. The Soyuz MS-09, where the hole was found, will be sent back to Earth with three astronauts in December.

The hole had already been repaired with tape and epoxy resin to prevent air leakage. Ground control then increased oxygen input to the orbiting space observatory as a protective measure.

The compromised part will also not be needed when the capsule returns to Earth, so it poses no risk to the lives of astronauts aboard the Soyuz.

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