Video showing a Taco Bell employee refusing to take control of an English-speaking customer


The video was posted Wednesday by Alexandria Montgomery. She saw her, as well as at least one other person, in a car on the porthole of a Taco Bell in Hialeah, a town north of Miami Airport where the Latino predominates.

Video: Woman is denied service in Taco Bell, South Florida, for not speaking Spanish

It's unclear what happened before the camera started filming, but the video begins with Montgomery asking the Taco Bell employee why no one speaks English.

"Nobody in the back speaks English?" she asked. "So you can not take my order?"

The employee of Taco Bell at the window tells her that she can not.

"There is no one here who speaks English," says the woman. "Mi vida, I have a car behind you."

The difference between the two is steadily increasing in the next few minutes. Despite the fact that the woman in the car speaks English and the Taco Bell employee speaks Spanish, both seem to be able to conduct a rudimentary conversation.

"I want to order food!" Montgomery screams. "Well, the line will be delayed because I want to order, they will not get their food because I want to order."

The employee closes the pass window. She opens it again a few moments later and asks the car to move.

"I have an order behind you," she says. "There is no one who speaks English."

The incident continued to be uglier, and the employee threatened to call the police.

"It's America. It's not all over the people," Montgomery cries.

Hialeah is a city of about 240,000 inhabitants according to government estimates; 227,000 of its inhabitants are of Latin American origin, more than 94%.

The employee of Taco Bell said to call Luisa at the end of the video. Taco Bell declined to answer questions about the incident, but issued a statement that it did not "meet our expectations in terms of customer experience".

"We worked quickly to solve the problem with the client to ensure that it does not happen again," the statement said, noting that the employee no longer works for the company.

The video drew attention after being covered by local media, including the Miami Herald. And it has been presented to a wider audience by conservative media outlets such as the Drudge Report, the Daily Wire and Fox News, with many figures on social media.

"Is not Florida part of the United States?" we asked. "Has the service been denied because workers behind the window are illegals who do not know English? Amazing."

But there are indications that the conflict was not, in fact, related to language.

At one point, another employee approached the window to talk to his colleague, asking him to give him a menu. But the employee says that she does not understand what the people in the car were saying, and later, "I do not want to."

Montgomery, who is black, said on Facebook that she thought the episode was more motivated by racism than the worker's inability to understand her.

"Taco Bell in racist Hialeah," she wrote. "This lady understood what I said but did not want to take my order."

This article was written by Eli Rosenberg, Washington Post reporter.

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