The story of Captain Marvel, the powers and movie changes explained


Captain Marvel arrives in theaters next year, and Marvel Studios is counting on its first women-led superhero movie to pave the way towards the future while Phase 3 of the film universe of Marvel ends. The popularity of the character has increased in recent years in the world of Marvel comics, thanks to the success of Kelly Sue DeConnick, and the time has come for Brie Larson to help Carol Danvers and her alter ego in the general public.

We know relatively little about Captain Marvel, beyond what we have been able to draw from the pictures taken and the sounds emitted by the actors. The character has a rather complicated story in comics, and it will be a daunting task for filmmakers Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck to streamline his original story for casual fans and movie buffs in general.

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Carol Danvers' journey from USAF staff to a leading superhero of the Marvel Universe is marked by extraterrestrial races at war, condemned mentors and amorous interests, not to mention changes in unpredictable power. Here's everything we know up to here about how Captain Marvel will be changed from comics and what elements of the character will remain the same.

What is the story of Captain Marvel?

In the Marvel comics of the late 60s, Carol Danvers was not the first to wear Captain Marvel's coat. This distinction belongs to the foreign space Mar-Vell, member of the Imperial Kree militia. Initially sent to observe the Earth because of the preparations of the human race for space travel, Mar-Vell introduces himself as scientist Walter Lawson and begins to fall in love with the chief of security (and former pilot of the USAF) Carol Danvers. In the end, turning against the devious plans of Supreme Intelligence Kree for humanity, Mar-Vell – or Captain Marvel, as we know it later – becomes a protector of the Earth. That is to say until he is unfortunately caught up in the cancer inflicted on him by the nasty Nitro in the seminal graphic novel The death of Captain Marvel (1982).

Before his death, Mar-Vell was engaged in a battle against a former senior officer / jealous rival of the Kree Army named Yon-Rogg (Jude Law could play one or the other). Another role in the next movie, but all parties involved silent about the name of his character, the only thing that we know about him, is that he is a warrior and leader Kree Yon-Rogg had kidnapped Carol Danvers and, during the Mar-Vell rescue, Danvers was subjected to radiation from a Kree machine, turning her DNA into half Kree. powers similar to those of Mar-Vell, that she used to fight against crime and malice under the cover of Mrs. Marvel.After she joined the Avengers, she also spent time to fight alongside the X-Men, after Snape, the villain then-villain of power and personality, has absorbed all his memories and his powers.

In 2012, Carol finally accepted the title of Captain Marvel (after following code names such as Binary and Warbird), following a team against the Phoenix Force with a resurrection of Mar-Vell. Given Captain Marvel's legacy and importance to his life, she takes the name with the blessing of Captain America, who assures her that Mar-Vell would like her to be named. She accepted the role with aplomb, becoming one of the first heroes of the Marvel Universe.

Related: Theory: Captain Marvel's weakness is his memories, wiped by Jude Law's villain

How the movie Captain Marvel changed the origin of Carol Danvers

Depending on the coverage of production by Entertainment Weekly, Captain Marvel will open with a step aside from the history of traditional origin, as can usually be seen in the super-heroes on the big screen. Carol will already have her powers and is already part of the elite military team of the Kree Race, Starforce. We still do not know how she will take her powers, but the fact that she ends up fighting with Starforce as a key member of the team is a break with her comic book story. In comics, Starforce never ran into Captain Marvel until Monica Rambeau wore the coat, and even then, they appeared as antagonists (especially during Operation: Galactic Storm ). The film will probably address the question of how Danvers approaches Hala as a member of the team, but for now all we know is that it is a departure from continuity Marvel comics.

The on-screen Starforce team will be led by Kree's currently unnamed Jude Law commander; Early theories suggested that Law would play the role of Carol's mentor, his love and predecessor Mar-Vell, but recent footage and his alignment to the future enemy of the Guardians of the Galaxy – Ronan the accuser – suggest that 39, it could mold Yonn-Rogg. In either scenario, this element indicates that Danvers on screen will align to some extent with its comic origin, being closely related to a war hero. Kree and a figure of authority.

Starforce exists in the canon of comics as a vital military element of the Kree-Skrull War – a favorite conflict of fans that will be adapted to the film's story. The warrior Kree and the more clandestine and changing Skrulls have been at war as long as any of these races can remember, and the film seems to follow the same pattern.

Starforce in the comic book was composed of characters such as Captain Atlas, Ultimus, Minerva and Korath the Pursuer, but only the last two make an appearance in the movie we know (with Djimon Hounsou taking over his role of Korath in Guardians) . of the galaxy, which takes place almost twenty years after the events of Captain Marvel and Gemma Chan (humans) playing Minerva). The team is described as the SEAL Team Six by directors Boden and Fleck, which is consistent with their description of comics.

In the film, Captain Marvel will return to Earth at some point to fight the infiltration of the Skrulls. Led by Ben Mendelsohn's Talos, who at one point will go undercover at SHIELD – which brings us to contact a young Nick Fury and Phil Coulson. The Skrulls that are part of Captain Marvel's story, whether it originated or later in his career as an adventurer in costume, do not fit the story of comics because she never took part in the Kree-Skrull war. His interaction with Skrulls did not happen before the Secret Invasion story in 2008, and even then it was as a member of the New Avengers team rather than a solo adventure. The fan theory that Marvel Studios is setting up its own secret invasion scenario for the next phase is intriguing, though.

Page 2: The powers of Captain Marvel in comics and MCU

Key release dates

  • Captain Marvel (2019) release date: March 08, 2019
  • The Avengers 4 / Untitled Avengers Movie (2019) release date: May 03, 2019
  • Spider-Man: far from home (2019) release date: July 05, 2019
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