Soon-Yi Previn expresses himself for the first time on Woody Allen and Mia Farrow


After years of relative silence, Woody Allen's wife, Soon-Yi Previn, discusses the controversy surrounding the filmmaker, her adoptive daughter Dylan Farrow and ex-partner Mia Farrow, in a whole new profile.

In the profile, published by New York Magazinethe website VulturePrevin firmly defended her husband and criticized Mia for allegedly manipulating the #MeToo movement to defame her ex-partner, and accused her adoptive ex-mother of physical and psychological abuse.

"I've never been interested in writing a story. Dear Mum, get revenge on Mia – none of that, said Previn in profile. But what happened to Woody is so shocking, so unfair. [Mia] took advantage of the #MeToo movement and introduced Dylan as a victim. And a whole new generation hears about it when it should not do it. "

In February 2014, Dylan wrote an open letter published on The New York Times blog accusing her father of having sexually assaulted her at the age of seven. According to the charges, the alleged assault occurred on August 4, 1992.

An investigation into these allegations was launched in 1993 and no charges were laid against the filmmaker. Allen firmly denied all allegations of wrongdoing and said in an interview with The Guardian in 2016, there is "no interest" in discussing claims.

However, Allen joined Previn for part of his profile and explained the impact of these allegations on his career.

"I'm an outcast," Allen said. "People think that I was Soon-Yi's father, that I raped and married my minor daughter or delayed."

Both are married to date. In spite of popular belief, Allen was never Previn's adoptive father – Mia's second husband, Andre Previn – and it is believed that the two men began their relationship after the adoption of Soon-Yi.

Allen's love affair with Previn would have started around the age of 20. However, the filmmaker began dating her adoptive mother when Previn was 10 years old. They started their physical relationship while Allen was still involved with Mia.

According to Previn, she did not like Allen when she met him for the first time.

"Woody was not interested in meeting us kids. And the feeling was reciprocal; we were not interested in meeting him. I hated him because he was with my mother and I did not understand why anyone could be with such a nasty and mean person. I thought it should be the same, "Previn said.

Previn's accusations against Mia are varied, but she claims that the controversial actress – who is the mother of four biological children and seven adopted children – was emotionally manipulative and physically abusive.

"Mia was not kind to me from the start," said Previn, alleging that she had a "hierarchy" at home among her children. "Mia always appreciated the intelligence and also the looks, the blond hair and the blue eyes."

Previn also spoke of having "a little learning disorder", but that she does not talk about it, saying: "Mia made me understand that" you had to be ashamed of that. "

"Mia was writing words on my arm, which was humiliating, so I always wore long sleeved shirts. She also put me upside down, holding me by the feet to run the blood in my head. Because she thought … that the blood rising to my head would make me smarter or something like that, "Previn said in his profile.

She also claimed that Mia would try to "arbitrarily show her power" and said she was beaten and slapped by being called derogatory names, insulting her intelligence.

In January 1992, Mia found a box of naked photos of Previn at Allen, which would have led to their burst and controversy.

"I remember the phone call when she found the pictures," Previn said. "I took the phone and Mia said," Soon-Yi. "It's all that she needed to say, in that scary voice tone." I knew my life was over and she knew it, just as she said my name. went home, she asked me a question about it, and me, survival instinct, I refused her and she told me, "I have pictures .

"Of course, she slapped me, you know how to do things," said Previn. "And then she called everybody, she did not contain the situation, she just spread it like wildfire, then she shouted at Woody when he came in. Meanwhile, Dylan and [Ronan] live under his roof and they are very small, aged 6 and 4 years old. They hear their mother go crazy, screaming in the middle of the night for hours. "

Previn's alleged narrative, and his allegations against Mia, echo the claims previously made by one of Mia's other adopted children, Moses Farrow, who wrote a scathing editorial entitled "A son speaks". Posted on his personal website last May, Moses made similar statements about mental and physical abuse from his adoptive mother.

In stark contrast to the story presented by Previn, Dylan issued a statement in response to the Vulture profile, calling the allegations that she was manipulated by her mother's "offensive" and stated that she "grew up in a wonderful home."

She also questioned the reliability and journalistic ethics of the author's profile, Daphne Merkin, who has repeatedly said in the article that she was friends with Allen and that She had a long personal history with the filmmaker.

"The author has written his friendship and his craze for Woody Allen.The idea of ​​letting a friend of an alleged predator write a unilateral piece attacking the credibility of his victim is disgusting," Dylan wrote. in her statement posted on Twitter, she reiterates her accusations against Allen and defended her mother.

Ronan Farrow also came to defend his mother in a statement posted on Twitter, where he also accuses Allen – his biological father of whom he is totally foreign – to "plant stories" in the press, which give a negative image of his mother. and her sister.

"I owe all I'm to Mia Farrow.He's a dedicated mother who has gone through hell for her family, while creating a home of love for us," Ronan wrote. "But that never prevented Woody Allen and his allies from planting stories that attack and denigrate my mother to distract from my sister's credible allegation of abuse."

"As a brother and son, I'm angry that New York Magazine would participate in this kind of work, written by a longtime admirer and friend of Woody Allen, "wrote Ronan. As a journalist, I am shocked by the lack of care of the facts would contradict the lies in this room, and the failure to print my sister 's answers. Survivors of abuse deserve better. "

Dylan gave her first TV interview regarding her sexual assault charges against her father while she was sitting with Gayle King last January. Watch the video below to learn more about her detailed allegations.

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