Fear the last villain of the undead Martha has an extremely unsatisfactory story


Spoiler warning for anyone who has not yet watched the latest episode of Fear the Walking Dead.

While the first half of Fear the undeadThe fourth season saw the Vultures sneak up on the main villains, the last eight episodes are guided by the murderous situation of Martha, formerly known as Filthy Woman. (And formerly someone to whom I was given.) "MM 54" provided Martha with a half-story that explained her current quest to eliminate good Samaritans and their efforts. Can we go back in time so that she's just a random nutty?

To be honest, the first few minutes of the episode were effective enough to show viewers that Martha's madness was caused by the death of her alleged husband, Hank, played by John Eric Bentley. The two men were involved in a car accident that left Hank impaled by a barricade on the roadside of metal and, even though he suspected his minutes were numbered, Martha was convinced that someone one would come to help them. Her shocking optimism lasted far too many hours, even after she failed to stop the first passing cars. After having to eliminate and bury her husband who walks around – that's where all the garbage comes from – Martha basically loses her shit and she apparently decided that the death ringers would ring out for anyone who would supply the garbage. help others. As if she personified the legal system in Seinfeldpolarizing finale.

And why? According to Martha, when people receive help from others, they seemingly lose the ability to do anything on their own. Which of course is not the case for all kinds of reasons, and it's also a really weird choice to take out of his car accident, in which Hank's serious injuries would probably have needed medical attention pre-apocalyptic. And if she had not had "help" earlier in her life, she could have magically picked it up like it was in clay?

Martha has no reason to blame another pocket of survivors for not having passed her car in the minimum hours preceding Hank's death, for providing them with unnecessary and painful medical assistance. And Martha is perfectly in agreement to try to kill Morgan's crew, even if they were not connected to the Pervis group, since his assassination probably has no natural end or interesting outside of his death. Probably by Al, whose truck was stolen and used to hurt others.

Martha's psychotic break did not seem to take a long time to get angry, and that's the kind where she shows little symptoms, speaking clearly and immediately accepting the guilt of being a killer. She even makes fun of grammar, alluding to her former life as an English teacher, before stabbing a woman by the throat and then using her undead body to create a deadly domino effect. Which might be a bit cool in a way, if his serial killer Mr. O did not quite want to be angry at the bums.

Do not get me wrong, I know that real world killers and fictional monsters do not need to have extremely complicated stories and spanning decades to be relevant. But Fear the undead Season 4 has barely offered plot elements that seem destined to go to Season 5, not to mention the deaths of two of the top stars (for various reasons), and this has had a noticeable effect on the audience, who has completely lost momentum in season 3 can no longer boast of the cross-presence of Lennie James to attract viewers. The constant changes may be intended to attract new people who have not watched the previous seasons.

If there are any items to use here, I wonder if Fear will come back to Martha's past to tell us more about what led to this car accident. Or to show us that his mortal impulses had surfaced earlier in his life. I'm not sure it would do anything to convince me of how this episode was dealing with things, but I would be open minded.

Add to this the fact that every minute of pursuing Martha's revenge is a minute we still do not see John Dorie of Garrett Dillahunt. Where the hell is he? It's better not to be dead, that's all I say. But I'm fine, Mr. Beerman having been bitten without having prepared his perfect infusion, although I would have liked to have many after watching this episode.

Fear the undead There are only a few episodes left to finish the plot of Season 4 characters, and you'll find them airing on AMC on Sunday nights at 9:00 pm. AND. You can find The dead who walk debuting in season 9 on Sunday, October 7, and anything that hits the screen soon can be found in our premiere schedule on fall television.

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