Astronomers have announced the date of the star explosions


Астрономы озвучили даты следующих звездопадов

The next stars can be observed in October.

In October, fans of astronomical phenomena will have two effects: draconians and orionites. The Ukrainian news will tell you exactly when you can see them when they reach the top and in some parts of the world these unusual phenomena, reports in reference to the Ukrainian news.

Draconids Meteor shower

The Draconids meteor shower starts in early October and reaches its peak between 8 and 10 numbers. Starfall is different from others in that Draconids meteor showers are likely to have a yellowish or reddish color. See the shooting stars near the constellation Draco in the northern hemisphere, ie in Ukraine. Enjoy the meteor shower just after sunset and before midnight.

The peak period lasts only three nights. In one hour, you can see the bright fuel particles 5-18.

The activity peaks associated with the parent comet approach to perihelion – the closest to the sun point. Shine "melts" the comet, releasing dust and gas.

The October meteor shower occurs every year from October 6th to 10th. The earth crosses the dust debris left by comet Giacobini-Zinner.

Meteors are usually not more than several tens per hour, but there are exceptions.

Orionid of Starfall

The meteor currents will begin on October 2nd and will end on November 7th. The maximum of their activity will take place in two days (20 and 21 October). This meteor shower is considered one of the most spectacular. They are bulky, high-speed, high-brightness, and particularly speckled in the form of long lines ("tails"). The number of particles of the comet that will burn, on average from 15 to 22 years. It occurs in the constellation Orion, it's our planet every year around October 16th. Northern hemisphere, but can be seen better in the north.

Orionid is a product of Halley's famous comet. The average intensity of Orionid – 20-25 meteors per hour.

Despite the fact that Starfall's orionide produces only a small number of meteors per hour, it is considered one of the most beautiful and dynamic meteor showers. Also the very fast orionid meteors – 148 thousand miles per hour.

More free fall meteors fall after midnight, and the peak of their fall can be observed for a few hours before dawn.

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