Can a blood test find the internal clock of your body?


Your body has a clock – and thanks to the difficulties of modern life, this clock may not match that of the outside world. These circadian rhythms lead to physical processes, large and small, and can influence everything, the way we think about how and when we gain weight.

[Rosemary] Braun is the first author of a new document describing a process that only takes two blood samples, then uses an algorithm called TimeSignature to determine the time that it is inside the body. The process is the simplest test yet developed.

According to research, the algorithm works whether the patient is sick or not. This is important because gene expression – the way your genes activate, provoke the production of chemicals and help your body function – is altered by things as simple as the amount of sleep that you obtain.

The researchers have discovered something unexpected: the genes that are the best predictors of the biological clock are not all "what we could call the main genes of the clock," says Braun. "Many of them are genes linked to other biological processes, but they are regulated by the clock. They are so controlled by the clock that their observation becomes a good marker for the clock.

Read the full and original article: This new blood test can determine what time it is in your cells

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