Second human case of West Nile virus confirmed in Nassau County


YULEE, Fla. – A second human case of West Nile virus has been confirmed in Nassau County, bringing to three the total number of human cases in northeastern Florida counties.

Health officials began issuing alerts last month after confirmation of cases in Duval and Nassau counties.

Officials from the Florida Health Department in Nassau County said on Monday that there was heightened concern about the possibility that more people would get sick after confirmation of a second human case.

In August, officials from the Duval County Health Department issued warnings about the potential spread of mosquito-borne diseases following the discovery of West Nile in several sentinel chicken herds.

The Nassau County Department of Health issued similar warnings in June after the discovery of equine encephalitis virus in the county horses.

Since the beginning of 2018, four cases of EEEV infection in horses from Nassau County and one outbreak of EEV in emus have been reported.

Ten sentinel chickens tested positive at the VEEE in 2018, one tested positive for the Highlands J virus (HJV) and 21 tested positive for WNV, according to Nassau County health officials.

According to the health department, West Nile virus is a life-threatening infection that can be transmitted to humans.

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Below is a list of some of the things you can do to protect yourself and your loved ones:

  • Drain stagnant water from garbage cans and other objects around the house that can become a breeding ground for mosquitoes.
  • Check if the screens on your doors and windows are in good condition. If this is not the case, repair broken screens as needed to prevent insects from entering your home.
  • Keep your pool clean and make sure it has the right level of chlorine. If you have a plastic pool, empty it when it is not in use.
  • Cover your exposed skin with long pants and long sleeves. This is important especially for people who work outside or where mosquitoes are.
  • Make sure to apply an insect repellent on the bare skin. Products containing DEET, picaridine, lemon oil, eucalyptus, para-menthane-diol and IR3535 are effective.

For more information on insect repellents that are right for you, health officials have encouraged residents to use the Environmental Protection Agency's search tool to choose repellents applied to the skin: http: // cfpub.

The Department of Health continues to monitor the state of mosquito – borne diseases, including West Nile virus infections, Eastern equine encephalitis, encephalitis of St. -Louis, malaria, chikungunya and dengue fever.

Florida residents are encouraged to report dead birds via the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission website ( For more information, visit the DOH website at or call your health department local.

Dr. Mobeen Rathore, head of infectious diseases for UF Health and Wolfson, said that avoiding mosquitoes is really your only protection against WNV.

"Dawn and twilight are the two times when mosquitoes are the most active, so avoid these moments, but I think that anything you can do to prevent mosquito bites would significantly reduce your chances of contracting the Nile." Western ".

Overall, most people infected with West Nile virus have no symptoms, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But about one in five people can develop a fever that causes symptoms ranging from headaches to vomiting and diarrhea.

"That's the thing about West Nile," Rathore said. "Perhaps about 20% will have a fever, flu-like illness – that's all they will have, they will feel sick, body aches and such a small percentage will have more serious effects, including neurological problems. "

In rare cases, the CDC report that people infected with West Nile virus may have a serious disease affecting the central nervous system, such as encephalitis or meningitis. Symptoms include high fever, vision loss, paralysis, tremors and coma.

Currently, no vaccine is available to treat West Nile virus. But, according to the CDC, over-the-counter pain relievers can help treat fever and other minor symptoms. People with serious illnesses are encouraged to see a doctor.

Copyright 2018 by WJXT News4Jax – All rights reserved.

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