"The salvation found from Nibiru" Scientists have confirmed the existence of the prototype of the planet Earth


The ancient ocean can also be at Proxima B and become the new home for people.

«Найдено спасение от Нибиру»: Ученые подтвердили наличие планеты - прототипа Земли

In August 2016, astronomers from the Southern European Observatory (ESO) confirmed the existence of Earth-like planets around Proxima Centauri – the closest star to our solar system. In addition, they confirmed that this planet (Proxima b) rotates in the habitable zone of a star. Since then, several studies have been conducted to determine if Proxima b could be adapted to life. In a new study led by NASA, a group of scientists looked at different climate scenarios, which show that Proxima can still have enough water to survive. A study titled "Scenarios for the climate of Proxima Centauri inhabited with a dynamic ocean" has recently been published in the scientific journal Astrobiology.

The study was led by D. Anthony Del Pietro of NASA.

"First of all, we do not know if the atmosphere of Proxima b is, and if so, does it have water? Without them, life as we know it can not exist. This can initially form without atmosphere the balloon, or that it was formed with the atmosphere, but in the star system, which was poor in water. Or it can be formed with a modest atmosphere and a lot of water. Or it could be formed with a very dense atmosphere. We simply do not know, "said the researchers.

Scientists have confirmed the presence of the planet – the prototype of the Earth and have come to the conclusion that water could actually be on the planet Proxima in the past and that the severe impact of the space liquid had migrated to the interior space.

"So, to provide guidelines for future observers, we assume that it has an atmosphere and water. We ask, given its orbit and distance. There may be an atmosphere and water. Considering these opportunities is important, "said the scientists.

«Найдено спасение от Нибиру»: Ученые подтвердили наличие планеты - прототипа Земли

They conducted a series of three-dimensional simulations with orbit and permissive climate of Earth Keys and extraterrestrial environments using software dynamics (ROCKE-3D). As a planetary adaptation software for global climate model simulation, GISS E2 NASA ROCKE-3D has been used to simulate past and future periods in Earth's history and potentially habitable ancient Venus. Using this software, the team modeled different types of potential atmospheres, including the Earth's atmosphere (dominated by nitrogen with a small amount of CO2 to heat the planet) and a more Martian atmosphere (CO2 net). They also examined whether the atmosphere is thinner or thicker than that of the Earth, whether its oceans are more or less salty (and deeper or deeper) and whether the ocean covers the entire planet. It has turned out that these models give life a chance on Proxima.

Researchers even consider it a new home for people. Found on this planet and the possible salvation of the imminent Nibiru. It is expected that in the years to come, an important role in the detection and characterization of exoplanets will play the instruments of the next generation. These include the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), the Wide Field Infrared Observation Telescope (WFIRST) and ground-based instruments, such as the Very Large Telescope (ELT) and the giant telescope Magellanovy (GMT). And you can bet that some of their time will be spent studying the exoplanets closest to the Earth.

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