A 2-year-old boy with inoperable brain cancer celebrates Christmas early in the community


A boy's fight against end-stage brain cancer inspired his community to come together to celebrate his life and offer him an unforgettable Christmas party.

Brody Allen, age 2, was diagnosed with an aggressive form of brain cancer in May 2018. After the treatments did not work, the doctors gave him little time to live. Allen's story became viral, bringing people from his community and beyond to join him.

Allen may not live to see December, so his family and friends have come together to offer him a special Christmas start. Throughout his street, neighbors have decorated their homes with lights and holiday displays. Community members hosted a fundraising dinner and surprised Allen with the visit of Santa Claus at the event.

The Allen family says they have received tons of mail from people around the world who wish to send him their best wishes.

Watch the video above to learn more about how the inspiring story of a little boy has affected his community and its people around the world.

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