Do not be too long. Get the flu shot now


SALT LAKE CITY, Utah (News4Utah) – The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say they're coming soon. Get the flu shot now. His recommendation is earlier than usual as it could be another devastating influenza season.

The CDC recommends that everyone be vaccinated with Halloween.

"It takes two weeks for this vaccine to be effective in protecting that person, which is why it is recommended that you receive the vaccine now, so when the flu arrives in the community, you will be protected," said Audrey Stevenson. Health Services Division Manager, Salt Lake Health Department.

It was particularly devastating this past flu season. According to the CDC, about 700,000 people were hospitalized.180 children died of the flu. Most people have been affected by H3N2 flu.

The flu kills between 12,000 and 49,000 people each year in the United States.

For those who are suspicious of influenza vaccine and doubtful about its effectiveness, Dr. Stevenson presents this analogy:

"When you put on your seatbelt, it does not guarantee that you will not crash, but it reduces your chances of getting hurt because of this accident and it certainly reduces the risk of injury." When you get a flu shot, I can still catch the flu, but the chances of dying or getting the flu are much lower, even if it's not perfect. "

Every 6 months or more should receive the flu shot every year. Dr. Stevenson says that there are variants of the influenza vaccine depending on age and medical conditions. Therefore, it is very important to talk to your doctor about the vaccine that is best for you.

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