US retailers struggling with vacation jobs


US retailers, who are struggling to find jobs for the holiday season, offer additional benefits to attract workers.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the retail sector is experiencing a significant number of job openings in 2018, including 757,000 available in July, about 100,000 more than a year ago.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that the number of open jobs has globally exceeded the number of people hired between March and June.

"They can not get trailers, they can not build camps for men and workers fast enough to grow in America," Burt Flickinger said in an interview with Varney & Co on Tuesday. .

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Despite record unemployment and rising wages, the labor shortage has pushed retailers to offer higher wages and put in place benefits such as paid time off for part-time employees to attract workers. potential.

"Even with a number of retailers paying $ 12, COSTCO pays $ 20 an hour and pays for benefits," said Flickinger.

Macy has announced plans to hire approximately 80,000 seasonal workers for its Macy's and Bloomingdale stores, as well as call centers and online distribution and fulfillment centers. The retail giant is anticipating a strong holiday shopping season.

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