Human fear and malice attract Nibiru to the philosopher of the Earth


The mysterious influence of planet X on the fate of humanity has proved too important to clearly explain astrophysicists and scientists around the world, but people with esoteric knowledge are ready to answer to many questions.

Людской страх и подлость притягивают Нибиру к Земле - философ

A St. Petersburg philosopher believes that only human fear and malice attract Nibiru to Earth. Infernal education is a planet with a completely unrealistic and unexplained orbit. This cosmic body is not material, but an energy ball, which appears only to punish sentient beings for their inappropriate and criminal use of the "sparks of God". War, theft, greed and covetousness began to dominate the world on Earth. The spirit that has been given to the community, especially the animal world to build harmony, through all the eras of its history has revealed savagery, inhumanity and cruelty to the planet, of Other species and their own species. The planet Nibiru since Hellenic philosophy has called Nemesis, after the goddess of retribution, who does not judge by the standards of human notions of morality and justice. The philosopher is certain that the time has come to respond to the many tests of nuclear weapons, the predatory plunder of the earth and the destruction of the once prosperous planet.

Людской страх и подлость притягивают Нибиру к Земле - философ

The worst crime of humanity, according to the standards of the ancient Nibiru planet who created the code for the ancient inhabitants of the Earth, is to reach the outer space "of their own free will". As the texts of the ancient Sumerians, deciphered in the last century, show, humans could not go beyond the atmosphere without the consent of the supreme intelligence that controls all the processes of the universe. Thousands of tons of waste have surrounded the near space of the earth. The Earth was created as an ideal biological life in the galaxy, called the Milky Way. Failed. Now, according to the philosopher, the question is to leave the civilization of the earth alone or to erase a failed experiment. Nibiru is waiting for a final decision.

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