5 foods rich in vitamin D


Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in the world. According to a study published in the Menopause journal, Obesity associated with vitamin D deficiency in postmenopausal women may pose a significant risk of breast cancer. Vitamin D helps to strengthen bone resistance and immunity. Women, especially those who are middle-aged, need to consume vitamin D. Results have shown that higher levels of vitamin D can reduce breast cancer mortality by 50% in women with lower body mass index.

According to the study, vitamin D reduces the risk of cancer by inhibiting cell proliferation. For the study, the team of researchers studied more than 600 Brazilian women.

"This study suggests that higher levels of vitamin D in the body are associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer," said JoAnn Pinkerton, executive director of the North American Menopause Society (NAMS) in the United States.

"Vitamin D may play a role in controlling breast cancer cells or preventing them from growing.Vitamin D comes from direct sun exposure, vitamin D3 supplements or vitamin-rich foods. D ", added Pinkerton.

Many factors would be associated with the development of breast cancer. Reproductive risk factors, such as early onset of puberty, late menopause, late age at first pregnancy, no pregnancy, obesity and a family are common factors.
Research has shown that postmenopausal women have an increased risk of vitamin D deficiency at the time of their breast cancer diagnosis, associated with higher rates of obesity than women of the same age group without Cancer.
The study found that women in the top quartile of vitamin D concentrations actually had a lower breast cancer death rate of 50% than women in the bottom quartile. This means that vitamin D levels must be standardized in all women with breast cancer.

Here are some foods you must load to increase your vitamin D intake naturally.

1. Cheese: Cheese is one of the richest sources of vitamin D. It is said that ricotta has the highest levels of vitamin D. Cheese is also considered a rich source of good fats and calcium.
2. Mushrooms: The mushrooms are packed with a decent amount of vitamin D. Make sure you clean the mushrooms thoroughly before using them. You can have them in broths, stews or salads.
3. Oily fish: Oily fish such as mackerel, tuna and salmon are loaded with high quality vitamin D. Include them in sandwiches, grill or salad.
4. egg yolk: Since the vitamin D contained in the egg comes from its yellow, it is important to use the whole egg, not just the whites. Do not discard the yolk unless you have a cholesterol problem.
5. Milk: Raw milk is one of the best sources of vitamin D. Vegans can try soy milk, which is also very rich in sun vitamins.
Eat these foods and make the most of the sun vitamin.

(With IANS entries)

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