Josh Gordon's trade: Bill Belichick says the market is not over yet


the Patriots traded against receiver Josh Gordon. Unless they did not do it! Speaking at Wednesday's press conference, Bill Belichick declined to talk about Gordon's trade – which was announced by all parties – saying the deal has not been finalized yet .

Belichick also included the phrase "if it's done" in speaking of the team's decision to negotiate for Gordon.

He also added that there are "conditions to be met" that must be met before the agreement can be reached.

This is a rather strange news because we heard Monday that the agreement was finalized and that it was a lock. The Patriots announced it:

The Browns have announced:

And the trade has appeared on the official NFL transaction thread:

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via NFL Communications

That sounds like it's not a big deal, and could even be more about Bill Belichick trying not to talk about the trade – according to NFL Media's Tom Pelissero, the Patriots are just trying to recover a seventh round of the brown ones.

Here is what I think: the Patriotes and the Browns are fighting over which choice they will give up? It is a conditional seventh round choice; If Gordon is active for 10 games, the Patriots get the choice of the seventh round of the Browns. So, maybe it's a debate over the choice they give (the Browns have several choices in play) or maybe it's a debate about the specifics of the conditions.

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Browns decided to get rid of Gordon after he appeared late for training with a thigh injury, he suffered from the football team. Cleveland wanted to ship Gordon to NFC – and ended up having discussions with San Francisco, Washington and Dallas about the wide-troubled – but finally decided to give it to the Patriots for a fifth-round pick.

Unless they did not do it! Gordon's trade is official according to the NFL and the Patriots and Browns, but not official according to Bill Belichick. May want to listen to Bill on questions of detail.

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