Beto vs. Ted Cruz Polls: Who's in charge? [Latest Updates]


Ted Cruz vs. Beto O'Rourke


Ted Cruz vs. Beto O'Rourke

When Beto O'Rourke and Ted Cruz will compete in the Senate, who will win? The latest poll released on September 19 shows Beto slightly ahead, but a poll released the previous day shows Ted Cruz with a sizeable lead. This can be very confusing when it comes to determining who will win, which may ultimately mean that the race will not be easy for those who win in the end. (After reading this story, take our poll at the very end and tell us if you would vote for Beto O'Rourke or Ted Cruz in a race in the Senate.)

An online poll of Ipsos released on Wednesday showed that O'Rourke leads Cruz for two percentage points among likely voters – in particular, 47% said they would vote for O'Rourke and 45% that they would vote for Cruz. The survey was conducted in collaboration with Reuters and the University of Virginia. This is the first poll that placed O'Rourke in front of Cruz, noted Texas Tribune.

The results of this poll can be confusing because, the day before, another poll showed that Cruz led Beto 54 to 45%, out of a total of nine percentage points. This poll, from Quinnipiac University, was released Tuesday.

Wednesday's poll showed that O & # Rourke led Cruz for the first time

The Ipsos poll released Wednesday is the first time O'Rourke led Cruz in a poll. The poll was 47% for O'Rourke, 45% for Cruz, 3% voted "other" and 5% chose "None". The margin of error is 3.5%, noted Texas Tribune.

The Ipsos poll was among likely voters. The survey also asked for the likelihood of respondents voting on a scale of 1 to 10. More Democrats have chosen the top of the scale than Republicans, said Ipsos Vice President Chris Jackson in Texas. Tribune. The Ispsos poll was an online survey.

The survey also revealed that 76% of respondents considered Cruz a "traditional" politician and that 36% of them considered O & # 39; Rourke a traditional man.

FiveThirtyEight ranks the Ipsos sounder as a B +. The sample size for this poll was 992 likely voters, polled from 6 to 14 September.

Tuesday's Quinnipiac poll showed Cruz in the lead with 9 percentage points

All this may seem a bit confusing when you remember yesterday that Quinnipiac published a survey showing Cruz leading O'Rourke by 9 percentage points, 54% to 45%. One percent were undecided in this survey. Texas Tribune pointed out that this survey was probably a survey of voters, and that it was Quinnipiac's first survey of likely voters.

Peter Brown, deputy director of Quinnipiac University Poll, said these figures could "calm the talks" that Democrats could take in the Senate. The survey also showed that Cruz had a 52% favorability rating among likely voters compared to O'Rourke's 43%.

This survey was conducted by telephone interviews. The Ipsos survey was conducted online.

FiveThirtyEight ranks the Quinnipiac University pollster as an A-. The size of the sample for this poll was 807 likely voters, polled from 11 to 17 September.

Cruz has been leading the polls overall, but O'Rourke is close

Overall, Cruz is leading the polls, but O'Rourke is close, reported Real Clear Politics. Here is an overview of the results of other recent surveys.

  • A CBS 11 / Dixie Strategies poll for 9/6/9/7 showed Cruz a 46-42% lead.
  • An Emerson poll for 8 / 22-8 / 25 shows that Cruz leads from 39 to 38 percentage points.
  • A NBC News / Marist survey for 8 / 12-8 / 16 shows Cruz who leads from 49 to 45 points.

So, although Cruz is leading all the polls, it is by a narrow margin. At the moment, Real Clear Politics scores a 4.5 point lead over Cruz, but their race ranking is a "throw".

Now take our survey below and let us know who you are going to vote for in November. When we did the same poll in March, Beto won 75.6% and Cruz 22%. Keep in mind that this survey is do not scientist and does not indicate who will actually win.

READ NEXT: Learn more about Beto O'Rourke

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