Demi Lovato's mother publicly discussed the hospitalization of her daughter for the first time


A little less than two months ago, Demi Lovato's fans were shaken when reports announcing the singer's hospitalization began to circulate. Now, with the health of her healing daughter, Demi Lovato's mother has been openly talking about her hospitalization for the first time during a newsmax television appearance on Tuesday, Sept. 19, according to E! New. Of course, as she said on television, it is still difficult to talk about this experience.

"I literally start to shake a bit when I start to remember what happened that day," said Lovato's mother, Dianna de la Garza, referring to the day she learned that her girl was in the hospital. This is more than understandable, it is the least that one can say, since the hospitalization of Lovato and its eventual exit from the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center at the beginning of the year. summer.

On Tuesday, July 24, a handful of reports (the first of which came from TMZ) were published, claiming that Lovato had been taken to hospital for what many of them called an "apparent overdose." Tracing the news of his hospitalization, Lovato's representative provided the following statement to Bustle, confirming that the singer was aware and surrounded by loved ones:

"Half awake and with her family, she wants to express her thanks to all for her love, her prayers and her support.Some of the information reported is incorrect and respectfully asks for privacy and not speculation because her health and recovery are the more important now. "

In addition, a source close to the situation confirmed to Bustle that the overdose was not linked to heroin, despite what the initial reports said.

It was just eight weeks ago, so it makes sense for Lovato's mother to take the time to focus on the family before choosing to speak publicly about what must have been an incredibly personal and frightening experience. (Plus, I hope it goes without saying that none of Lovato's loved ones – nor the singer herself – owe the public any answer or explanation, anyway.)

Kevin Winter / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images

That being said, if Lovato's mother is willing to talk about it – and her recent interview comments indicate that she might be – then it seems just as important that she does. Addressing Newsmax TV, Ms. de la Garza said that she had first received the news of her daughter's hospitalization by a phone call from Lovato's assistant. . "I was in shock, I did not know what to say," she said, adding:

"It was just something I never expected to hear, as a parent, about my children."

After that, Garza was reminded to have called the sisters of Lovato (Dallas and Madison) before the three women went to Cedars-Sinai to see her. "Dallas and Madison and I jumped from the car to the emergency room and ran … to be by her side," she continued, adding that Lovato was in critical condition at the time. two days later. "But I told him, Half, I'm here, I love you," remembers his mother. "And at that time, she replied," I love you too. "

Fortunately, last Tuesday, Garza said his daughter was doing well these days. Echoing the sentiments expressed in Lovato's public statement to fans, which the singer shared via Instagram on August 5, her mother told Newsmax TV that Lovato takes the time to focus on her sobriety and heal. To this end, de la Garza said:

"She is happy, she is healthy, she is working on her sobriety and she is getting the help she needs.This in itself encourages me for her future and for the future of our family. . "

As Lovato said in her message to fans last month, she will "continue to fight" to maintain her health, happiness and overall well-being as best as she can. And, with the support of his doctors, friends, and family – maybe his mother, especially – Lovato will not have to do it alone.

If you or someone you know is asking for help with substance use, call the SAMHSA hotline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357).

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